Krug.BaseEctoDAO behaviour (Krug v2.0.27) View Source
Defines a behaviour for higher-level CRUD functionalities module to facilitate the raw queries usage with Ecto.
Utilization: Create a module that extends Krug.BaseEctoDAO
should be a module that extends Ecto.Repo. (Required)ets_key
should be an atom thats identifier the ETS table for caching. (Required) This should be created in Ecto repository initialization, inside the init/2 function, call
defmodule MyApp.App.Repo do
use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :my_app, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.MyXQL
alias Krug.EtsUtil
def init(_type, config) do
{:ok, config}
defmodule MyApp.App.DAOService do
use Krug.BaseEctoDAO, repo: MyApp.App.Repo, ets_key: :my_ets_key_atom_identifier
This mechanism also includes by default a in-memory query cache
of last cache_objects_per_table
(default to 10) select results of each database table.
This cache (for respective table) is empty each time that a entry
is inserted/updated/deleted from the respective table.
You can disable this mechanism for expensive tables (large text data or many columns),
or tables that are very intensible/frequently writed/updated.
For this use the nocache_tables
defmodule MyApp.App.DAOService do
use Krug.BaseEctoDAO,
repo: MyApp.App.Repo,
nocache_tables: ["my_table_no_cache1","my_table_no_cache2"],
cache_objects_per_table: 10,
ets_key: :my_ets_key_atom_identifier
Link to this section Summary
Delete a row from a table. Return false only if fail in execution of SQL command.
Return the ets_key (:cache_objects_per_table
) value
to be used whit other database services
to handle other cache storage functionalities, for example store
processed list objects relative to a SQL search in place of store
the brute database resultset.
Return the ets_key (:my_ets_key_atom_identifier
) value
to be used whit other database services
to handle other cache storage functionalities, for example store
processed list objects relative to a SQL search in place of store
the brute database resultset.
Insert a new row on a table. Return false only if fail in execution of SQL command.
Load a resultset from a table. Return nil only if fail in execution of SQL command.
Load a resultset from a table. Return nil only if fail in execution of SQL command.
Update a row on a table. Return false only if fail in execution of SQL command.
Link to this section Callbacks
Delete a row from a table. Return false only if fail in execution of SQL command.
iex > sql = "delete from person where name = ? and id = ?"
iex > MyApp.App.DAOService.delete(sql,["Person Name That Not Exist",1000000000000001])
iex > sql = "delete from person where columnThatNotExists = ?"
iex > MyApp.App.DAOService.delete(sql,["Johannes Backend 3"])
get_cache_objects_per_table() :: number()
Return the ets_key (:cache_objects_per_table
) value
to be used whit other database services
to handle other cache storage functionalities, for example store
processed list objects relative to a SQL search in place of store
the brute database resultset.
get_ets_key() :: atom()
Return the ets_key (:my_ets_key_atom_identifier
) value
to be used whit other database services
to handle other cache storage functionalities, for example store
processed list objects relative to a SQL search in place of store
the brute database resultset.
cache_result = Krug.EtsUtil.load_from_cache(ets_key,key)
cache_result = Krug.BaseEctoDAOSqlCache.load_from_cache(ets_key,table_name,normalized_sql,params)
Insert a new row on a table. Return false only if fail in execution of SQL command.
iex > sql = "insert into person(name,email,age,address) values (?,?,?,?)"
iex > MyApp.App.DAOService.insert(sql,["Johannes Backend 2"])
iex > sql = "insert into person(name,email,age,address) values (?,?,?,?)"
iex > MyApp.App.DAOService.insert(sql,["Johannes Backend 2","",54,"404 street"])
Load a resultset from a table. Return nil only if fail in execution of SQL command.
To see how handle returned resultset, search by Krug.ResultSetHandler
in this documentation.
iex > sql = "select id, name, email, age, address from person limit 10"
iex > MyApp.App.DAOService.load(sql)
columns: ["id", "name", "email", "age", "address"],
connection_id: 1515,
last_insert_id: 0,
num_rows: 1,
num_warnings: 0,
rows: [
[1,"Johannes Backend","",54,"404 street"]
iex > sql = "select id, columnThatNonExists, email, age, address from person limit 10"
iex > MyApp.App.DAOService.load(sql)
Load a resultset from a table. Return nil only if fail in execution of SQL command.
To see how handle returned resultset, search by Krug.ResultSetHandler
in this documentation.
iex > sql = "select id, name, email, age, address from person where age < ?"
iex > MyApp.App.DAOService.load(sql,[20])
columns: ["id", "name", "email", "age", "address"],
connection_id: 1515,
last_insert_id: 0,
num_rows: 0,
num_warnings: 0,
rows: nil
iex > sql = "select id, columnThatNotExists, email, age, address from person where age < ?"
iex > MyApp.App.DAOService.load(sql,[20])
Update a row on a table. Return false only if fail in execution of SQL command.
iex > sql = "update person set name = ?, email = ? where id = ?"
iex > MyApp.App.DAOService.update(sql,["Johannes Backend 3","",1])
iex > sql = "update person set columnThatNotExists = ?, email = ? where id = ?"
iex > MyApp.App.DAOService.update(sql,["Johannes Backend 3","",1])