Krug.DistributedMnesia (Krug v2.0.27) View Source

Utilitary module to handle Erlang Mnesia Database. Mnesia Database has single instance mode and also distributed mode that is purpose of this module. Single instance way don't allow us to improve horizontal scalability when we need.

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Add a new table in runtime execution to mnesia schema and replicate to other nodes. Return true or false.

Removes all object entries from "table_name". Return true or false.

Executes a "count" operation against a "table_name".

Delete a row identified by "id_row" in a table "table_name". Return true or false.

Almost the same that "init_cluster". The diference is that cluster_ips will be calculated to be all range of machine local network according the network mask range (/16 or /24).

Keep the "amount_to_keep" entries from "table_name" table. All other entries will be removed/deleted. Return true or false.

Retrieves an object identified by "id_row" from "table_name". Return the registry entry or nil.

Get the first element in a table "table_name". Return the stored value or nil.

Get the last element in a table "table_name". Return the stored value or nil.

Executes a "select" operation against a "table_name" filtering by "array_params"

Set last updated time of an entry on "table_name". Stores this data on metadata control table. Return true or false.

Stores an object "data_row" identified by "id_row" on "table_name". Return true or false.

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Add a new table in runtime execution to mnesia schema and replicate to other nodes. Return true or false.

If table already was created in runtime, keep the actual table and return true. If table has same name from a table created in initialization, the operation will fail and will return false. You should keep control about the already created tables.

Should be in a same format as when define tables for initialization:

  table_name: :my_table_name, 
  table_attributes: [:attr_1, :attr_2, ...  :attr_N] 

Requires mnesia already be started.

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Removes all object entries from "table_name". Return true or false.

Requires mnesia already be started.

If you wish you application be able to scalabity then should be used


function on application startup.

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Executes a "count" operation against a "table_name".

Requires mnesia already be started.

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delete(table_name, id_row)

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Delete a row identified by "id_row" in a table "table_name". Return true or false.

Requires mnesia already be started.

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init_auto_cluster(cluster_name, cluster_cookie, disc_copies \\ false, tables \\ [], connection_timeout \\ 100, correct_master_node_interval \\ 2000, cloud_provider \\ "")

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Almost the same that "init_cluster". The diference is that cluster_ips will be calculated to be all range of machine local network according the network mask range (/16 or /24).

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init_cluster(cluster_name, cluster_cookie, cluster_ips, ips_separator \\ "|", disc_copies \\ false, tables \\ [], connection_timeout \\ 100, correct_master_node_interval \\ 2000, cloud_provider \\ "")

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Start the distributed mnesia cluster. To be used on application start.


defmodule <Your_App_Main_Module_Name>.Application do

  @moduledoc false

  use Application

  alias Krug.DistributedMnesia

  def start(_type, _args) do
    Supervisor.start_link(children(), opts())

  defp children() do
        <Your_App_Main_Module_Name>.DistributedMnesiaTaskStarter, # calls Krug.DistributedMnesia.init_cluster(...)

  defp opts() do 
      [strategy: :one_for_one, name: <Your_App_Main_Module_Name>.Supervisor]
defmodule <Your_App_Main_Module_Name>.DistributedMnesiaConfigTaskStarter do
  def child_spec(opts) do
    %{id: __MODULE__,start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, [opts]}}

  def start_link(opts) do
    Supervisor.start_link([{<Your_App_Main_Module_Name>.DistributedMnesiaConfigTask,opts}], strategy: :one_for_one)
defmodule <Your_App_Main_Module_Name>.DistributedMnesiaConfigTask do

  use Task
  alias Krug.DistributedMnesia

  def start_link(opts) do
    Task.start_link(__MODULE__, :run, [opts])

  def run(_opts) do
    cluster_cookie = "echo"
    cluster_name = "echo"
    cluster_ips = " "
    ips_separator = "X" 
    tables = [
         table_name: :users, 
         table_attributes: [:id, :name, :email, :last_access] 
         table_name: log, 
         table_attributes: [:id, :user_id, :action, :date_time] 
      |> DistributedMnesia.init_cluster(cluster_cookie,cluster_ips,ips_separator,true,tables)


disc_copies: true for ":disc_copies" (ram + disc), false for ":ram_copies" (only ram).

tables: list of map table configurations

  table_name: :users, # atom
  table_attributes: [:id, :name, :email] # atom list | the first element is the "id_row" value/column


connection_timeout: connection timeout (milliseconds) for connect to other nodes.

cloud_provider: "localhost", AWS, GCP, Azure - or empty to use node@ host format (localhost or normal network) only AWS supported for now.

correct_master_node_interval: interval (milliseconds) to verification task make auto adjust the master node. By default is 2 seconds to preserve machine resources

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keep_only_last_used(table_name, amount_to_keep)

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Keep the "amount_to_keep" entries from "table_name" table. All other entries will be removed/deleted. Return true or false.

Usefull for caching control (limit memory usage and others). With this you could limit each table to keep only the X last recent used (stored/loaded) entries, optimizing the memory usage and getting better caching performance - keeping in cache only the entries that are more often requested.

Requires mnesia already be started.

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load(table_name, id_row)

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Retrieves an object identified by "id_row" from "table_name". Return the registry entry or nil.

Requires mnesia already be started.

If you wish you application be able to scalabity then should be used


function on application startup.

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View Source (since 1.1.25)

Get the first element in a table "table_name". Return the stored value or nil.

Requires mnesia already be started.

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Get the last element in a table "table_name". Return the stored value or nil.

Requires mnesia already be started.

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select(table_name, array_params)

View Source (since 1.1.25)

Executes a "select" operation against a "table_name" filtering by "array_params"

Requires mnesia already be started.

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set_updated_at(table_name, id_row)

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Set last updated time of an entry on "table_name". Stores this data on metadata control table. Return true or false.

Used by internal controls, and also exposes a way to other modules change this values (for example if you are caching something and needs to delete the oldest used objects - setting new value for updated_at each time that the object is used "loaded").

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store(table_name, id_row, data_row)

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Stores an object "data_row" identified by "id_row" on "table_name". Return true or false.

Requires mnesia already be started.

If you wish you application be able to scalabity then should be used


function on application startup.