Krug.EnviromentReader (Krug v2.0.27) View Source
Provides a mechanism to simplificate the Ecto db configuration on build time.
Should be used whit a module that implements Krug.EctoEnviromentDecisor
and other module that implements Krug.EctoEnviroment
Utilization Example:
defmodule MyApp.Enviroment.Reader do
use Krug.EnviromentReader, decisor: MyApp.EnviromentDecisor, enviroment: MyApp.Enviroment
After maked this, we could use it to configure a Ecto Repo
defmodule MyApp.App.Repo do
use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :ex_app, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.MyXQL
alias MyApp.Enviroment.Reader
def init(_type, config) do
config = Keyword.put(config, :hostname, Reader.read_key_value("APPDB_HOST"))
config = Keyword.put(config, :port, String.to_integer(Reader.read_key_value("APPDB_PORT")))
config = Keyword.put(config, :database, Reader.read_key_value("APPDB_DATABASE"))
config = Keyword.put(config, :username, Reader.read_key_value("APPDB_USERNAME"))
config = Keyword.put(config, :password, Reader.read_key_value("APPDB_PASSWORD"))
config = Keyword.put(config, :pool_size, 10)
config = Keyword.put(config, :timeout, 60_000)
config = Keyword.put(config, :ownership_timeout, 60_000)
config = Keyword.put(config, :queue_target, 500)
config = Keyword.put(config, :queue_interval, 10_000)
{:ok, config}