Krug.HashUtil (Krug v2.0.27) View Source
Utilitary module to handle Bcrypt hashes. Useful for store and compare on more secure forms passwords.
Link to this section Summary
Makes a password hash
to improve a better security on storage.
Compares a clean text string password
with a string hashed password
and verify if one matches another.
Link to this section Functions
Makes a password hash
to improve a better security on storage.
If nil/empty password received return a empty string.
iex > password = "123456"
iex > Krug.HashUtil.hash_password(password)
Compares a clean text string password
with a string hashed password
and verify if one matches another.
If hashed_password or password is nil/empty, return false.
iex > password = "123456"
iex > hashed_password = "$2b$10$y9nOBmx.kJV3juLBivaixuWMpIoB7ctGREqqrwvvgbqprY/BIRDX6"
iex > Krug.HashUtil.password_match(hashed_password,password)
true (or false if not matches)