Krug.ReturnUtil (Krug v2.0.13) View Source

Utilitary module to provide return objects to REST APIs that don't return a list of objects from database.

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Return a map object for cases on that the backend operation fail to execute (partial or complete).

Return a map object for cases on that the backend excute fully successfull.

Return a array of map objects for cases on that the backend need generate some especial content to return to user interface. This array is always size == 1. The return need be encapsulated to array, to make possible the user interface receive this return in same call scheme of the operations that load multiple objects from backend (compatibility).

Return a map object for cases on that the backend result false when execute validations (one or more parameters contains invalid characters, the length of value of parameter received is bigger than the dabase column field, and others).

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get_operation_error(error_msg \\ "")

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Return a map object for cases on that the backend operation fail to execute (partial or complete).

Useful to inform a friendly error message to User Interface and do not expose critical messages, customized as needed


iex > Krug.ReturnUtil.get_operation_error()
  objectClass: "OperationError", 
  code: 500, 
  msg: ""
iex > error_msg = "Operation Failed: impossible to create new user with email:"
iex > Krug.ReturnUtil.get_operation_error(error_msg)
  objectClass: "OperationError", 
  code: 500, 
  msg: "Operation Failed: impossible to create new user with email:" 
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get_operation_success(return_code, success_msg, return_object \\ nil)

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Return a map object for cases on that the backend excute fully successfull.

Useful to inform a friendly sucess message to User Interface, customized as needed. Can return an object as map, for control in user interface.


iex > return_object = %{name: "Echo Ping", email: ""}
iex > Krug.ReturnUtil.get_operation_success(200,"Sucess on Insert",return_object)
  objectClass: "OperationSuccess", 
  code: 200, 
  msg: "Sucess on Insert", 
  object: %{
            name: "Echo Ping", 
            email: ""
iex > Krug.ReturnUtil.get_operation_success(201,"Sucess on Update")
  objectClass: "OperationSuccess", 
  code: 201, 
  msg: "Sucess on Update",
  object: nil 
iex > return_object = %{oldName: "Echo Ping", name: "Alpha Bravo"}
iex > Krug.ReturnUtil.get_operation_success(201,"Sucess on Update Name",return_object)
  objectClass: "OperationSuccess", 
  code: 201, 
  msg: "Sucess on Update Name", 
  object: %{
            oldName: "Echo Ping", 
            name: "Alpha Bravo"

Return a array of map objects for cases on that the backend need generate some especial content to return to user interface. This array is always size == 1. The return need be encapsulated to array, to make possible the user interface receive this return in same call scheme of the operations that load multiple objects from backend (compatibility).

Useful for generate custom dynamic content html, or dynamic reports for example.


iex > html = "<h1>This is the Report Header of Generated Report</h1>"
iex > Krug.ReturnUtil.get_report(html)
    objectClass: "Report",
    code: 205,
    msg: "<h1>This is the Report Header of Generated Report</h1>"
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get_validation_result(return_code, result_msg)

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Return a map object for cases on that the backend result false when execute validations (one or more parameters contains invalid characters, the length of value of parameter received is bigger than the dabase column field, and others).

Useful to inform a friendly validation message to User Interface, customized as needed.


iex > Krug.ReturnUtil.get_validation_result(100100,"[100100] E-mail should be a valid email.")
  objectClass: "ValidationResult",
  code: 100100,
  msg: "[100100] E-mail should be a valid email."