Krug.SkallertenMailSender (Krug v2.0.27) View Source

A module to simplify use of Bamboo SMTP mailing with the "Skallerten" smtp provider.

Restriction of use: allowed only for Skallerten applications.

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Send mail over "Skallerten" smtp provider. Don't uses config.exs file for configuration read. Uses following conventioned configurations

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mail(email_configuration, title, body, tto)

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Send mail over "Skallerten" smtp provider. Don't uses config.exs file for configuration read. Uses following conventioned configurations:

  adapter: Bamboo.SMTPAdapter,
  chained_adapter: Bamboo.SMTPAdapter,
  server: "",
  port: 587,
  username: "",
  password: "",
  api_key: "my_api_key",
  tls: :always,
  allowed_tls_versions: {:system, "ALLOWED_TLS_VERSIONS"},
  ssl: false,
  retries: 0,
  no_mx_lookups: false,
  auth: :always

Received configurations options will be merged in this above. Configurations specific for this smtp provider too.

Return true if call to smtp provider results without errors. However the mail can be not delivered for any reason, by example restrictions quotas.

iex > email_configuration = %{
     sender_name: "Johannes Backend",
     sender_email: "",
     sender_password: nil,
     replay_to: ""
iex > Krug.SkallertenMailSender.mail(email_configuration,"Lets Party","Party Tommorow at 18:30","")
iex > email_configuration = %{
     sender_name: "Johannes Backend",
     sender_email: "",
     sender_password: "<johannes_password>",
     replay_to: ""
iex > Krug.SkallertenMailSender.mail(email_configuration,"Lets Party","Party Tommorow at 18:30","")