Module lager_default_formatter

Function Index

format/3Provides a generic, default formatting for log messages using a semi-iolist as configuration.

Function Details


format(Msg::lager_msg:lager_msg(), Config::list()) -> any()


format(Msg::lager_msg:lager_msg(), Config::list(), Colors::list()) -> any()

Provides a generic, default formatting for log messages using a semi-iolist as configuration. Any iolist allowed elements in the configuration are printed verbatim. Atoms in the configuration are treated as metadata properties and extracted from the log message. Optionally, a tuple of {atom(),semi-iolist()} can be used. The atom will look up the property, but if not found it will use the semi-iolist() instead. These fallbacks can be similarly nested or refer to other properties, if desired. You can also use a {atom, semi-iolist(), semi-iolist()} formatter, which acts like a ternary operator's true/false branches.

The metadata properties date,time, message, severity, and sev will always exist. The properties pid, file, line, module, and function will always exist if the parser transform is used.


["Foo"] -> "Foo", regardless of message content.

[message] -> The content of the logged message, alone.

[{pid,"Unknown Pid"}] -> "?.?.?" if pid is in the metadata, "Unknown Pid" if not.

[{pid, ["My pid is ", pid], ["Unknown Pid"]}] -> if pid is in the metada print "My pid is ?.?.?", otherwise print "Unknown Pid"

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