Functions from Erlang OTP distribution that are really useful but aren't exported.
All functions in this module are covered by the Erlang/OTP source distribution's license, the Erlang Public License. See for full = 1..31
hour() = 0..23
minute() = 0..59
month() = 1..12
second() = 0..59
t_datetime1970() = {{year1970(), month(), day()}, t_time()}
t_time() = {hour(), minute(), second()}
year1970() = 1970..10000
should probably be 1970..
is_my_error_report/1 | |
is_my_info_report/1 | |
maybe_utc/1 | |
proc_lib_format/2 | |
string_p/1 | |
sup_get/2 | |
write_time/2 |
is_my_error_report(X1::atom()) -> boolean()
is_my_info_report(X1::atom()) -> boolean()
maybe_utc(Time::t_datetime1970()) -> {utc, t_datetime1970()} | t_datetime1970()
proc_lib_format(X1::[term()], FmtMaxBytes::pos_integer()) -> string()
string_p(Term) -> any()
sup_get(Tag::term(), Report::[proplists:property()]) -> term()
write_time(X1::{utc, t_datetime1970()} | t_datetime1970(), Type::string()) -> string()
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