View Source LangChain.Message.ContentPart (LangChain v0.3.0-rc.0)

Models a ContentPart. Some LLMs support combining text, images, and possibly other content as part of a single user message. A ContentPart represents a block, or part, of a message's content that is all of one type.


  • :text - The message part is text.
  • :image_url - The message part is a URL to an image.
  • :image - The message part is image data that is base64 encoded text.


  • :content - Text content.
  • :options - Options that may be specific to the LLM for a particular message type. For example, multi-modal message (ones that include image data) use the :media option to specify the mimetype information.

Image mime types

The :media option is used to specify the mime type of the image. Various LLMs handle this differently or perhaps not at all.


  • media: :jpg - turns into "image/jpeg" or "image/jpg", depending on what the LLM accepts.
  • media: :png - turns into "image/png"
  • media: "image/webp" - stays as "image/webp". Any specified string value is passed through unchanged. This allows for future formats to be supported quickly.
  • When omitted, the LLM may error or some will accept it but may require the base64 encoded content data to be prefixed with the mime type information. Basically, you must handle the content needs yourself.



Create a new ContentPart that contains an image encoded as base64 data. Raises an exception if not valid.

Create a new ContentPart that contains a URL to an image. Raises an exception if not valid.

Build a new message and return an :ok/:error tuple with the result.

Build a new message and return it or raise an error if invalid.

Create a new ContentPart that contains text. Raises an exception if not valid.


@type t() :: %LangChain.Message.ContentPart{
  content: term(),
  options: term(),
  type: term()


Link to this function

image!(content, opts \\ [])

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@spec image!(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: t() | no_return()

Create a new ContentPart that contains an image encoded as base64 data. Raises an exception if not valid.


  • :media - Provide the "media type" for the image. Examples: "image/jpeg", "image/png", etc. ChatGPT does not require this but other LLMs may.
  • :detail - if the LLM supports it, most images must be resized or cropped before given to the LLM for analysis. A detail option may specify the level detail of the image to present to the LLM. The higher the detail, the more tokens consumed. Currently only supported by OpenAI and the values of "low", "high", and "auto".

ChatGPT requires media type information to prefix the base64 content. Setting the media: "image/jpeg" type will do that. Otherwise the data must be provided with the required prefix.

Anthropic requires the media type information to be submitted as separate information with the JSON request. This media option provides an abstraction to normalize the behavior.

Link to this function

image_url!(content, opts \\ [])

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@spec image_url!(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: t() | no_return()

Create a new ContentPart that contains a URL to an image. Raises an exception if not valid.

@spec new(attrs :: map()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}

Build a new message and return an :ok/:error tuple with the result.

@spec new!(attrs :: map()) :: t() | no_return()

Build a new message and return it or raise an error if invalid.

Example!(%{type: :text, content: "Greetings!"})!(%{type: :image_url, content: ""})
@spec text!(String.t()) :: t() | no_return()

Create a new ContentPart that contains text. Raises an exception if not valid.