View Source LangChain.Utils.ApiOverride (LangChain v0.2.0)

Tools for overriding API results. Used for testing.

Works by setting and checking for special use of the Process dictionary.

Test Example

import LangChain.Utils.ApiOverride

model =!(%{temperature: 1, stream: true})

# Define the fake response to return
fake_messages = [
  [!(%{role: :assistant, content: nil, status: :incomplete})],
  [!(%{content: "Sock", status: :incomplete})]

# Made NOT LIVE here. Will not make the external call to the LLM
set_api_override({:ok, fake_messages})

# We can construct an LLMChain from a PromptTemplate and an LLM.
{:ok, updated_chain, _response} =
  %{llm: model, verbose: false}
  |> LLMChain.add_message(
    Message.new_user!("What is a good name for a company that makes colorful socks?")

assert %Message{role: :assistant, content: "Sock"} = updated_chain.last_message



Get the API override to return. Returned as {:ok, response}. If not set, it returns :not_set.

Return if an override for the API response is set. Used for testing.

Set the term to return as a fake API response.


@spec get_api_override() :: {:ok, term()} | :not_set

Get the API override to return. Returned as {:ok, response}. If not set, it returns :not_set.

@spec override_api_return?() :: boolean()

Return if an override for the API response is set. Used for testing.

Link to this function


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@spec set_api_override(term()) :: :ok

Set the term to return as a fake API response.