mix liberator.chart (liberator v1.4.0) View Source

Generates source text for a decision tree chart for a Liberator resource. The chart is compatible with the Graphviz graph visualization software.

mix liberator.chart

By default, this function will print the default decision tree to standard output. This task can also take a module argument for any module that uses Liberator.Resource, in which case the decision tree for the given module will be printed.

mix liberator.chart MyApp.MyResource

You can also provide the --output or -o option to print the chart source to a file.

mix liberator.chart -o myresource.dot MyApp.MyResource

Generating a chart with the returned source code

Unfortunately, there's not a Graphviz binding for Elixir. If you want to create an actual image of your chart, you will have to install Graphviz, or use one of its language bindings for another language.

Once you have installed Graphviz, you can run a command like the following to generate an image

dot myresource.dot -Tsvg -o myresource.svg

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Callback implementation for Mix.Task.run/1.

Link to this section Functions

Callback implementation for Mix.Task.run/1.