Linkify.Parser (Linkify v0.5.3)

Module to handle parsing the the input string.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

check_and_link(atom, buffer, opts, user_acc)

Link to this function

email?(buffer, opts)

Link to this function


Link to this function


Link to this function

parse(input, opts \\ %{})

Parse the given string, identifying items to link.

Parses the string, replacing the matching urls with an html link.



iex> Linkify.Parser.parse("Check out")
~s{Check out <a href=""></a>}
Link to this function

safe_to_integer(string, base \\ 10)

Link to this function

url?(buffer, opts)

Link to this function


Link to this function

valid_tld?(url, opts)

Validates a URL's TLD. Returns a boolean.

Will return true if :validate_tld option set to false.

Will skip validation and return true if :validate_tld set to :no_scheme and the url has a scheme.