View Source Liquex.Parser.Literal (liquex v0.13.1)

Helper parsers for parsing literal values in Liquid



Parses not line breaking white space, given a minimum.

Parses a single or double quoted string.

Parses everything outside of the Liquid tags. We call this text but it's any unstructed data not specifically parsed by Liquex.

Parses white space, given a minimum.


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literal(combinator \\ empty())

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@spec literal(NimbleParsec.t()) :: NimbleParsec.t()

Parses a literal


* "true"
* "false"
* "nil"
* "3.14"
* "3"
* "'Hello World!'"
* ""Hello World!""
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non_breaking_whitespace(combinator \\ empty(), min \\ 0)

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@spec non_breaking_whitespace(NimbleParsec.t(), non_neg_integer()) :: NimbleParsec.t()

Parses not line breaking white space, given a minimum.


* "  "
* " "

Parses a single or double quoted string.

Strings may have escaped quotes within them.


Examples here include the quotes as given, as opposed to other examples.

* "Hello World"
* 'Hello World'
* "Hello "World""
* 'Hello "World"'
* 'Hello 'World''
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range(combinator \\ empty())

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@spec range(NimbleParsec.t()) :: NimbleParsec.t()

Parses a range


* "(1..5)"
* "(1..num)"
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text(combinator \\ empty())

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@spec text(NimbleParsec.t()) :: NimbleParsec.t()

Parses everything outside of the Liquid tags. We call this text but it's any unstructed data not specifically parsed by Liquex.

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whitespace(combinator \\ empty(), min \\ 0)

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@spec whitespace(NimbleParsec.t(), non_neg_integer()) :: NimbleParsec.t()

Parses white space, given a minimum.


* "  "
* "