View Source Liquex.Parser.Object (liquex v0.13.1)

Helper methods for parsing object tags and arguments used by objects



Parse arguments. Arguments are key/value pairs, but a key may have multiple values separated by commas.

Parses closing object tag with white space removing.

Parses filter that starts with a pipe

Parse keyword field

Parses object. May contain arguments, literals, and filters.


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arguments(combinator \\ empty())

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@spec arguments(NimbleParsec.t()) :: NimbleParsec.t()

Parse arguments. Arguments are key/value pairs, but a key may have multiple values separated by commas.


* "img_url: '400x400', crop: 'bottom', filter: 'blur'"
* "img_size: 800, 600"
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close_object_remove_whitespace(combinator \\ empty())

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@spec close_object_remove_whitespace(NimbleParsec.t()) :: NimbleParsec.t()

Parses closing object tag with white space removing.


* "-}}  "
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filter(combinator \\ empty())

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@spec filter(NimbleParsec.t()) :: NimbleParsec.t()

Parses filter that starts with a pipe


* "| sort"
* "| at_most: 5"
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Parse keyword field


* "key: value"
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keyword_fields(combinator \\ empty())

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@spec keyword_fields(NimbleParsec.t()) :: NimbleParsec.t()
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object(combinator \\ empty())

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@spec object(NimbleParsec.t()) :: NimbleParsec.t()

Parses object. May contain arguments, literals, and filters.

It special cases space removing tags such as {{- and -}} to properly remove any spaces leading and trailing spaces if requested.


* "{{ 'hello world' }}"
* "{{ 5 + 5 }}"
* "{{ variable_a | at_most: 5 }}"
* "{{- my_array | sort -}}"