View Source Liquex.Tag.RenderTag (liquex v0.13.1)

Insert the rendered content of another template within the current template.

{% render "template-name" %}

Note that you don’t need to write the file’s .liquid extension.

The code within the rendered template does not automatically have access to the variables assigned using variable tags within the parent template. Similarly, variables assigned within the rendered template cannot be accessed by code in any other template.

render (parameters)

Variables assigned using variable tags can be passed to a template by listing them as parameters on the render tag.

{% assign my_variable = "apples" %}
{% render "name", my_variable: my_variable, my_other_variable: "oranges" %}

One or more objects can be passed to a template.

{% assign featured_product = all_products["product_handle"] %}
{% render "product", product: featured_product %}


A single object can be passed to a template by using the with and optional as parameters.

{% assign featured_product = all_products["product_handle"] %}
{% render "product" with featured_product as product %}

In the example above, the product variable in the rendered template will hold the value of featured_product from the parent template.


A template can be rendered once for each value of an enumerable object by using the for and optional as parameters.

{% assign variants = product.variants %}
{% render "product_variant" for variants as variant %}

In the example above, the template will be rendered once for each variant of the product, and the variant variable will hold a different product variant object for each iteration.

When using the for parameter, the forloop object is accessible within the rendered template.



Callback implementation for Liquex.Tag.parse/0.

Callback implementation for Liquex.Tag.parse_liquid_tag/0.

Callback implementation for Liquex.Tag.render/2.


@spec parse() :: NimbleParsec.t()

Callback implementation for Liquex.Tag.parse/0.

Callback implementation for Liquex.Tag.parse_liquid_tag/0.

Callback implementation for Liquex.Tag.render/2.