View Source LiveToast (Live Toast v0.7.0)
LiveComponent for displaying toast messages.
that renders a part of the toast message.
Set of public options to augment the default toast behavior.
Instance of a toast message. Mainly used internally.
Default class function for the container around the toasts. Override this to change the classes of the toast container element.
Helper function around send_toast/3
that is useful in pipelines.
Can be used in a pipeline with either Plug.Conn or LiveView.Socket.
Send a new toast message to the LiveToast component.
Implement your own function to override the class of the toasts.
Renders a group of toasts and flashes.
@type component_fn() :: (map() -> Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t())
that renders a part of the toast message.
@type option() :: {:title, binary() | nil} | {:icon, component_fn() | nil} | {:action, component_fn() | nil} | {:component, component_fn() | nil} | {:duration, non_neg_integer() | nil} | {:container_id, binary() | nil} | {:uuid, Ecto.UUID.t() | nil} | {:sync, boolean() | nil}
Set of public options to augment the default toast behavior.
@opaque t()
Instance of a toast message. Mainly used internally.
Default class function for the container around the toasts. Override this to change the classes of the toast container element.
defmodule MyModule do
def group_class_fn(assigns) do
# base classes
"fixed z-50 max-h-screen w-full p-4 md:max-w-[420px] pointer-events-none grid origin-center",
# classes to set container positioning
assigns[:corner] == :bottom_left && "items-end bottom-0 left-0 flex-col-reverse sm:top-auto",
assigns[:corner] == :bottom_right && "items-end bottom-0 right-0 flex-col-reverse sm:top-auto",
assigns[:corner] == :top_left && "items-start top-0 left-0 flex-col sm:bottom-auto",
assigns[:corner] == :top_right && "items-start top-0 right-0 flex-col sm:bottom-auto"
Then use it in your layout:
<LiveToast.toast_group flash={@flash} connected={assigns[:socket] != nil} toasts_sync={assigns[:toasts_sync]} group_class_fn={MyModule.group_class_fn/1} />
Since this is a public function, you can also write a new function that calls it and extends it's return values.
@spec put_toast(Plug.Conn.t(), atom(), binary(), [option()]) :: Plug.Conn.t()
@spec put_toast(Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t(), atom(), binary(), [option()]) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()
Helper function around send_toast/3
that is useful in pipelines.
Can be used in a pipeline with either Plug.Conn or LiveView.Socket.
Unlike send_toast/3
, this function does not expose the UUID of the
new toast, so if you need to update the toast after popping it onto
the list, you should use send_toast/3
iex> put_toast(conn, :info, "Thank you for logging in!")
iex> put_toast(socket, :info, "Thank you for logging in!")
@spec send_toast(atom(), binary(), [option()]) :: Ecto.UUID.t()
Send a new toast message to the LiveToast component.
Returns the UUID of the new toast message. This UUID can be passed back
to another call to send_toast/3
to update the properties of an existing toast.
iex> send_toast(:info, "Thank you for logging in!", title: "Welcome")
Implement your own function to override the class of the toasts.
defmodule MyModule do
def toast_class_fn(assigns) do
# base classes
"group/toast z-100 pointer-events-auto relative w-full items-center justify-between origin-center overflow-hidden rounded-lg p-4 shadow-lg border col-start-1 col-end-1 row-start-1 row-end-2",
# start hidden if javascript is enabled
"[@media(scripting:enabled)]:opacity-0 [@media(scripting:enabled){[data-phx-main]_&}]:opacity-100",
# used to hide the disconnected flashes
if(assigns[:rest][:hidden] == true, do: "hidden", else: "flex"),
# override styles per severity
assigns[:kind] == :info && "bg-white text-black",
assigns[:kind] == :error && "!text-red-700 !bg-red-100 border-red-200"
Then use it in your layout:
<LiveToast.toast_group flash={@flash} connected={assigns[:socket] != nil} toast_class_fn={MyModule.toast_class_fn/1} />
Since this is a public function, you can also write a new function that calls it and extends it's return values.
Renders a group of toasts and flashes.
Replace your flash_group
with this component in your layout.
) (required) - the map of flash
) - the optional id of flash container. Defaults to"toast-group"
) (required) - whether we're in a liveview or not.kinds
) - the valid severity level kinds. Defaults to[:info, :error]
) - the corner to display the toasts. Defaults to:bottom_right
) - function to override the container classes. Defaults to&LiveToast.group_class_fn/1
) - function to override the toast classes. Defaults to&LiveToast.toast_class_fn/1
) (required) - toasts that get synchronized when callingput_toast