View Source LiveViewNative.LiveView (live_view_native v0.3.0-rc.1)
Use this module within a LiveView to delegate rendering requests from a native client to a format specific rendering component.
All event handling should remain in the LiveView, all rendering concerns for a given format will be delegated to the component.
Please refer to LiveViewNative.Component
for more information
on rendering components.
Uses LiveView Native in the current module for rendering delegation
Uses LiveView Native in the current module for rendering delegation
defmodule MyAppWeb.HomeLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_view
use LiveViewNative,
formats: [:swiftui, :jatpack],
layouts: [
swiftui: {MyAppWeb.Layouts.SwiftUI, :app},
jetpack: {MyAppWeb.Layouts.Jetpack, :app}
* `:formats` - the formats this LiveView will delegate to
a render component. For example, specifying `formats: [:swiftui, jetpack]`
for a LiveView named `MyAppWeb.HomeLive` will
invoke `MyAppWeb.HomeLive.SwiftUI` and `MyAppWeb.HomeLivew.Jetpack` when
respectively rendering each format. The appended module suffix
is taken from the `:module_suffix` value on each registered LiveView Native
- which layouts to render for each format, for example:[swiftui: {MyAppWeb.Layouts.SwiftUI, :app}]