View Source ToolbarItem


Toolbar element for placing items.


Optionally specify a placement to reposition the element.

<ToolbarItem placement="destructiveAction">
    <Button phx-click="delete">Delete</Button>

Customizable Items

A customizable toolbar is a toolbar modifier with an id.

toolbar(id: "unique-toolbar-id", content: :my_toolbar_content)

Set the id attribute to a unique value on each customizable item.

<ToolbarItem id="delete">

To prevent customization of an item in a customizable toolbar, set the customizationBehavior attribute to disabled.

<ToolbarItem id="delete" customizationBehavior="disabled">

The default visibility and options can be configured with the defaultVisibility and alwaysAvailable attributes.

<ToolbarItem id="delete" defaultVisibility="hidden" alwaysAvailable>



The position of this item in the toolbar.