View Source ShareLink


Opens a system share sheet when tapped.


Provide an item or list of items to share.

    subject="Check out DockYard's website"
    message="Here's a link to the DockYard homepage"

Use a SharePreview element to override the title, image, and icon for an item.

    subject="Check out DockYard's website"
    message="Here's a link to the DockYard homepage"
    <SharePreview title="DockYard Homepage">
        <Image template={:image} name="dockyard" />
        <Image template={:icon} name="dockyard" />

Use a JSON-encoded list of items to share multiple values. Set the item attribute of each SharePreview to connect it to the correct item.

    items='["", "", ""]'
    subject="Check out these websites"
    message="Here are links to our favorite websites"
    <SharePreview item="" title="DockYard">
        <Image template={:image} name="dockyard" />
        <Image template={:icon} name="dockyard" />
    <SharePreview item="" title="Hacker News">
        <Image template={:image} name="hackernews" />
        <Image template={:icon} name="hackernews" />
    <SharePreview item="" title="Apple">
        <Image template={:image} name="apple" />
        <Image template={:icon} name="apple" />



A string to share.

The description to use when sharing to a service with a message field.

The title to use when sharing to a service with a subject field.