View Source High-Level Overview

flowchart TD
    LV[<a href=''>LiveView</a>]
    LV --> LSC[<a href=''>LiveSessionCoordinator</a>]
    LSC --> |/route1| LVC1[<a href=''>LiveViewCoordinator</a> 1]
    LSC --> |/route2| LVC2[<a href=''>LiveViewCoordinator</a> 2]
    LSC --> |/route3| LVC3[<a href=''>LiveViewCoordinator</a> 3]


The LiveView struct is a SwiftUI View that connects to a Phoenix LiveView application. This View can be included anywhere in a SwiftUI View hierarchy.


Each LiveView is controlled by a LiveSessionCoordinator. The session coordinator is responsible for handling the WebSocket connection.

There is only one WebSocket open during lifetime of the LiveView.


A LiveView SwiftUI View handles navigation internally. By using push_event, push_patch, or redirect, and Phoenix LiveView can change the top-most route in the navigation stack.

Each entry in this navigation stack is controlled by a LiveViewCoordinator. This coordinator is responsible for a single Phoenix Channel, which communicates over the shared socket.

This separation exists so that multiple channels can be opened on the same socket. This allows for a sidebar/content/detail split where each split renders a different Phoenix LiveView.

This View is controlled by the LiveViewCoordinator for a given navigation path.

It is the View that contains the content of the document as a SwiftUI View hierarchy.