View Source LocationSimulator.Event behaviour (LocationSimulator v0.7.0)
Callback api is a brigde for worker call your code.
Has three callback apis: start/2, event/2, stop/2
All these have 2 parameters is config & state.
config includes lib's config and your meta data you need pass to module.
state is data that is generated by worker. state is an Elixir map with key:
:start_time - Unix timestamp the worker start.
:success - Number of event success.
:failed - Number of event failed.
:error - Number of event error
:gps - GPS data of current state.
:stop_time - Timestamp worker done, only in stop callback api.
GPS data is map with key:
:timestamp - delta time in milisecond from start event (stored in state with key :start_time).
:lon - Longitude
:lat - Latitude
:ele - elevation (meter)
Please go to example folder in repo
Link to this section Summary
event callback will be trigger every worker generated a new GPS data. Time between event is calculated by interval + random(random_range).
start event will be trigger when worker start.
stop will be trigger when worker send all gps event. In this event you have all information for calculating time, distance, speed.
Link to this section Callbacks
@callback event(config :: map(), state :: map()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, reason :: any()} | {:stop, reason :: any()}
event callback will be trigger every worker generated a new GPS data. Time between event is calculated by interval + random(random_range).
If result is {:stop, reason} the worker will stop working.
start event will be trigger when worker start.
In this event gps & :end_time won't exist.
result return to worker for success is {:ok, new_config}. new_config will be used for next event.
if return {:error, reason} the worker will stop working.
stop will be trigger when worker send all gps event. In this event you have all information for calculating time, distance, speed.