View Source LogflareLogger (Logflare Logger Backend v0.11.4)

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If no argument is provided, returns the LogflareLogger context stored in the process dictionary.

If the argument is an atom, returns LogflareLogger context for the given key. If the argument is a map or keyword list, their keys/values are merged with the existing LogflareLogger context in the process dictionary. Setting the key to nil will remove that key from the context.

If no argument is passed, resets the whole context from the process dictionary. If argument is an atom or a list of atoms, resets the context keeping only the given keys.

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@spec context() :: map()

If no argument is provided, returns the LogflareLogger context stored in the process dictionary.

@spec context(map() | keyword()) :: map()
@spec context(atom()) :: map()

If the argument is an atom, returns LogflareLogger context for the given key. If the argument is a map or keyword list, their keys/values are merged with the existing LogflareLogger context in the process dictionary. Setting the key to nil will remove that key from the context.

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debug(message, metadata \\ [])

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error(message, metadata \\ [])

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info(message, metadata \\ [])

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log(level, message, metadata)

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@spec reset_context() :: %{}

If no argument is passed, resets the whole context from the process dictionary. If argument is an atom or a list of atoms, resets the context keeping only the given keys.

@spec reset_context(keyword()) :: map()
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warn(message, metadata \\ [])

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