Logfmt (logfmt v3.3.3) View Source

Decodes and encodes logfmt-style log lines.

In logfmt-style log lines, data is encoded as a string of "key-value" pairs. Logfmt can encode a Dict into a string in this format, provided that its value types are String.t, number, and boolean.

It will decode a line in this format into a map, and attempt to coerce numbers and booleans into integers, floats, and booleans.

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Decodes the given line into a map.

Encodes the given Dict into a Logfmt-style line.

Link to this section Functions


decode(String.t()) :: map()

Decodes the given line into a map.


iex> Logfmt.decode "foo=bar baz=qux"
%{"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "qux"}

iex> Logfmt.decode ~s(foo="bar baz")
%{"foo" => "bar baz"}

iex> Logfmt.decode "foo=true"
%{"foo" => true}

iex> Logfmt.decode "foo=1"
%{"foo" => 1}
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encode(list, options \\ [])

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encode(Dict.t(), options :: Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Encodes the given Dict into a Logfmt-style line.

Optionally a list of options can be given to change the encode behaviour.


  • output - if set to :iolist, an iolist is returned, any other value will return a binary


iex> Logfmt.encode [foo: "bar"]

iex> Logfmt.encode %{"foo" => "bar"}

iex> Logfmt.encode [foo: "bar baz"]
"foo=\"bar baz\""

iex> Logfmt.encode [foo: "bar baz"], [output: :iolist]
[["foo", "=", ["\"", "bar baz", "\""]]]