Logger.Backend.Humio (logger_humio_backend v0.2.3) View Source

A Genserver that receives calls and events from Elixir when configured as a logger.

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The logger can be (re-)configured at runtime by calling :configure. There currently isn't any logic for merging the existing config and the new options, so if you use this, set all the options that are relevant to you. Also batched log lines are lost when the logger is re-configured at runtime.list()

Send batched events when Logger.flush/0 is called.

Unhandled messages are simply ignored.

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log_event() :: %{
  level: atom(),
  message: String.t(),
  timestamp: any(),
  metadata: keyword()


state() :: %{
  log_events: [log_event()],
  config: %{
    token: String.t(),
    host: String.t(),
    name: any(),
    ingest_api: Logger.Backend.Humio.IngestApi,
    client: Logger.Backend.Humio.Client,
    level: Logger.level(),
    format: any(),
    metadata: keyword() | :all | {:except, keyword()},
    max_batch_size: pos_integer(),
    flush_interval_ms: pos_integer(),
    debug_io_device: atom() | pid(),
    fields: map(),
    tags: map()
  flush_timer: reference()

Link to this section Functions

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handle_call(arg1, state)

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The logger can be (re-)configured at runtime by calling :configure. There currently isn't any logic for merging the existing config and the new options, so if you use this, set all the options that are relevant to you. Also batched log lines are lost when the logger is re-configured at runtime.list()

Will eventually be improved.

Use at your own risk.

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handle_event(arg1, state)

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Send batched events when Logger.flush/0 is called.

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handle_info(arg1, state)

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Unhandled messages are simply ignored.