View Source LoggerJSON.Ecto (logger_json v6.0.3)

A telemetry handler that logs Ecto query metrics in JSON format.

This module is not recommended to be used in production, as it can be costly to log every single database query.



Attaches the telemetry handler to the given event.

A telemetry handler that logs Ecto query along with it's metrics in a structured format.


Link to this function

attach(name, event, level)

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@spec attach(
  name :: String.t(),
  event :: [atom()],
  level ::
    | {module :: module(), function :: atom(), arguments :: [term()]}
    | false
) :: :ok | {:error, :already_exists}

Attaches the telemetry handler to the given event.

Available options

  • :level - log level which is used to log requests. Defaults to :info.

Dynamic log level

In some cases you may wish to set the log level dynamically on a per-query basis. To do so, set the :level option to a tuple, {Mod, Fun, Args}. The query and map of time measures will be prepended to the provided list of arguments.

When invoked, your function must return a Logger.level() or false to disable logging for the request.


Attaching the telemetry handler to the MyApp.Repo events with the :info log level:

LoggerJSON.Ecto.attach("logger-json-queries", [:my_app, :repo, :query], :info)

For more details on event and handler naming see (Ecto.Repo documentation)[].

Link to this function

telemetry_logging_handler(event_name, measurements, map, level)

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@spec telemetry_logging_handler(
  event_name :: [atom()],
  measurements :: %{
    query_time: non_neg_integer(),
    queue_time: non_neg_integer(),
    decode_time: non_neg_integer(),
    total_time: non_neg_integer()
  metadata :: %{query: String.t(), repo: module()},
  level ::
    | {module :: module(), function :: atom(), arguments :: [term()]}
    | false
) :: :ok

A telemetry handler that logs Ecto query along with it's metrics in a structured format.