View Source LoggerJSON.Plug.MetadataFormatters.ELK (logger_json v5.1.4)

Formats connection into Logger metadata:

  • connection.type - type of connection (Sent or Chunked);
  • connection.method - HTTP request method;
  • connection.request_path - HTTP request path;
  • connection.status - HTTP status code sent to a client;
  • client.user_agent - value of User-Agent header;
  • client.ip' - value ofX-Forwarded-Forheader if present, otherwise - remote IP of a connected client; *client.api_version' - version of API that was requested by a client;
  • node.hostname - system hostname;
  • node.vm_pid - Erlang VM process identifier;
  • phoenix.controller - Phoenix controller that processed the request;
  • phoenix.action - Phoenix action that processed the request;
  • latency_μs - time in microseconds taken to process the request.