Module logi_sink_flow_limiter

A sink which limits message flow rate of underlying sink.

Copyright © 2015-2016 Takeru Ohta <>


A sink which limits message flow rate of underlying sink


  > error_logger:tty(false). % Suppresses annoying warnings for the sake of brevity
  > Sink = logi_sink_flow_limiter:new(limiter, logi_sink_console:new(console), [{write_rate_limits, [{1024, 1000}]}]).
  > {ok, _} = logi_channel:install_sink(Sink, debug).
  > logi:notice("hello world").
  2015-11-04 08:59:29.269 [notice] nonode@nohost <0.98.0> erl_eval:do_apply:673 [] hello world
  > lists:foreach(fun (I) -> logi:info("hello: ~p", [I]) end, lists:seq(1, 1000)).
  2015-11-04 08:59:53.364 [info] nonode@nohost <0.98.0> lists:foreach:1337 [] hello: 1
  2015-11-04 08:59:53.365 [info] nonode@nohost <0.98.0> lists:foreach:1337 [] hello: 2
  2015-11-04 08:59:53.366 [info] nonode@nohost <0.98.0> lists:foreach:1337 [] hello: 3
  2015-11-04 08:59:53.366 [info] nonode@nohost <0.98.0> lists:foreach:1337 [] hello: 4
  2015-11-04 08:59:53.366 [info] nonode@nohost <0.98.0> lists:foreach:1337 [] hello: 5
  2015-11-04 08:59:53.367 [info] nonode@nohost <0.98.0> lists:foreach:1337 [] hello: 6
  2015-11-04 08:59:53.367 [info] nonode@nohost <0.98.0> lists:foreach:1337 [] hello: 7
  2015-11-04 08:59:53.368 [info] nonode@nohost <0.98.0> lists:foreach:1337 [] hello: 8
  2015-11-04 08:59:53.368 [info] nonode@nohost <0.98.0> lists:foreach:1337 [] hello: 9
  2015-11-04 08:59:53.368 [info] nonode@nohost <0.98.0> lists:foreach:1337 [] hello: 10
  2015-11-04 08:59:53.369 [info] nonode@nohost <0.98.0> lists:foreach:1337 [] hello: 11
  2015-11-04 09:00:45.551 [warning] nonode@nohost <0.113.0> logi_sink_flow_limiter_server:report_omissions:203 [id=sample_limiter] Over a period of 60 seconds, 989 info messages were omitted: channel=logi_default_log, reason=rate_exceeded (e.g. [{pid,module,line},{<0.98.0>,lists,1337}])

Data Types


option() = {logger, logi:logger()} | {max_message_queue_len, non_neg_integer()} | {write_rate_limits, [write_rate()]}

logger: - The logger instance which is used to report internal events (e.g., message discarding) of the sink process - Default: logi:default_logger()

max_message_queue_len: - Maximum message queue length of the writee process of the underlying sink - While the queue length exceeds the value, messages will be discarded - default: 256

write_rate_limits: - Log messages write rate limit specification - If all write_rate() are satisfied, new arrival message will be outputed - e.g., [{10*1024*1024, 1000}, {500*1024*1024, 60*60*1000}]: 10MB/seconds and 500MB/seconds - default: []


options() = [option()]


pos_milliseconds() = pos_integer()

Positive milliseconds


write_rate() = {Bytes::non_neg_integer(), Period::pos_milliseconds()}

Write rate limit specification

In Period milliseconds, it is allowed to write messages of up to Bytes bytes.

Function Index

new/2Equivalent to new(Sink, BaseSink).
new/3Creates a new sink.

Function Details


new(SinkId::logi_sink:id(), BaseSink::logi_sink:sink()) -> logi_sink:sink()

Equivalent to new(Sink, BaseSink).


new(SinkId::logi_sink:id(), BaseSink::logi_sink:sink(), Options::options()) -> logi_sink:sink()

Creates a new sink

Generated by EDoc, Sep 27 2018, 23:13:24.