View Source Love.Component (love_ex v0.2.0)

Extend LiveComponents.



Add use Love.Component to a Phoenix.LiveComponent. This adds:

  • @behaviour Love.Events for the optional Love.Events.handle_message/4 callback
  • import Love.Component to make macros and functions locally available
  • prop :id to define the required :id prop assign
  • mount/1 and update/2 default implementations (can safely overriden)


Love.Component Example

defmodule MyAppWeb.UserProfileComponent do
  use Phoenix.LiveComponent
  use Love.Component

  prop :profile
  prop :show_avatar?, default: false

  state :age
  state :expand_details?, default: false

  slot :inner_block

  event :on_selected

  def handle_event("toggle-details", _, socket) do
    {:noreply, put_state(socket, socket, expand_details?: not socket.assigns.expand_details?)}

  def handle_event("select", %{"profile_id" => profile_id}}, socket) do
    {:noreply, emit(socket, :on_selected, profile_id)}

  @react to: :profile
  defp put_age(socket) do
    age = trunc(Date.diff(Date.utc_today(), socket.assigns.profile.birthday) / 365)
    put_state(socket, age: age)

Link to this section Summary

Field Definitions

Defines an event prop.

Defines a prop.

Defines a slot prop.

Defines a state assign.


Sends an event message.

Updates state assigns.

Link to this section Field Definitions

@spec event(name :: atom()) :: nil

Defines an event prop.

Event props are always optional, and default to nil.

The value of this prop must be a destination to receive the event, either a PID or {module, id}. See emit/3 for details on raising events.

The emitted event name defaults to the name of the event prop. The event name can be overridden by the parent specifying {pid, :my_custom_event_name} or {module, id, :my_custom_event_name}.



event :on_selected

# To raise it:
emit(socket, :on_selected, "some payload")

# To handle it:
handle_event(:on_selected, {module, id}, "some payload", socket)
Link to this macro

prop(key, opts \\ [])

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@spec prop(key :: atom(), opts :: keyword()) :: nil

Defines a prop.

prop :id is automatically defined as a required prop for all components that use Love.Component, because every stateful LiveComponent requires an :id.



  • :default - optional; if specified, this prop is considered optional, and will be assigned the default value during mount. If not specified, the prop is considered required. nil is a valid default value. The expression for the default value is wrapped in a function and its evaluation is deferred until runtime at the moment the component is mounted.



# A required prop
prop :visible?

# An optional prop
prop :thumbnail_url, default: nil
Link to this macro

slot(key, opts \\ [])

View Source (macro)
@spec slot(key :: atom(), opts :: keyword()) :: nil

Defines a slot prop.



  • :required? - defaults to true. When false, the prop given the empty slot value of []



# Default slot name
slot :inner_block

# Optional slot
slot :navbar, required?: false
Link to this macro

state(key, opts \\ [])

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@spec state(key :: atom(), opts :: keyword()) :: nil

Defines a state assign.

State is internal to the component and is modified via put_state/2.



  • :default - optional; if specified, the state will be assigned the default value during mount. The expression for the default value is wrapped in a function and its evaluation is deferred until runtime at the moment the component is mounted. If not specified, you should put_state/2 during component initialization to set an initial value.



# State with no initial value
state :changeset

# State with an initial value, evaluated during mount
state :now, default: DateTime.utc_now()

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

emit(socket, name, payload \\ nil)

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@spec emit(Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t(), name :: atom(), payload :: any()) ::

Sends an event message.

The event name is an event prop defined by event/1. The destination for the event is determined by the value of the event prop. See Love.Events.send_message/4 for details on valid destinations.

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put_state(socket, changes)

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Updates state assigns.

When called outside of a reactive function, any reactive functions that depend on the changed state will be immediately evaluated, so call this function as infrequently as possible. In other words, try to batch state changes and limit put_state/2 calls to once per lifecycle event.

Within a reactive function, any additionally-triggered reactive functions will be deferred until after the current reactive function completely executes.

Returns the socket with the new state and after any reactive callbacks have run.



state :first_name

put_state(socket, first_name: "Marvin")