Lti_1p3.Platform.AuthorizationRedirect (Lti 1p3 v0.6.0)

Link to this section Summary


Validates an authentication response and returns the state and platform lti params in a signed id_token signed if successful.

Link to this section Types

@type params() :: %{state: binary(), id_token: binary()}
@type user() :: %{id: integer()}

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

authorize_redirect(params, current_user, issuer, deployment_id)

@spec authorize_redirect(params(), user(), binary(), binary()) ::
  {:ok, binary(), binary(), binary()}
  | {:error,
     %{optional(atom()) => any(), :reason => atom(), :msg => String.t()}}

Validates an authentication response and returns the state and platform lti params in a signed id_token signed if successful.