Lti_1p3.Tool.ContextRoles (Lti 1p3 v0.6.0)

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Returns true if a list of roles contains a given role

Returns the highest level role from a list of roles. This function assumes roles have an ordinality which is defined by list_roles()

Returns a role from a given atom if it is valid, otherwise returns nil

Returns a role from a given uri if it is valid, otherwise returns nil

Returns all valid roles from a list of uris

Returns true if a user has a given role

Returns true if a user has any of the given roles

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contains_role?(roles, role)

Returns true if a list of roles contains a given role

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@spec get_highest_role([Lti_1p3.Tool.ContextRole.t()]) :: Lti_1p3.Tool.ContextRole.t()

Returns the highest level role from a list of roles. This function assumes roles have an ordinality which is defined by list_roles()

Returns a role from a given atom if it is valid, otherwise returns nil

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Returns a role from a given uri if it is valid, otherwise returns nil

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@spec get_roles_by_uris([String.t()]) :: [Lti_1p3.Tool.ContextRole.t()]

Returns all valid roles from a list of uris

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has_role?(user, context, role)

Returns true if a user has a given role

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has_roles?(user, context, roles, atom)

@spec has_roles?(
) :: boolean()
@spec has_roles?(
) :: boolean()

Returns true if a user has any of the given roles