View Source MaCrud.Query (ma_crud v0.1.4)

Generates Ecto Queries.

All functions in this module return an Ecto.Query.

Combining the functions in this module can be very powerful. For example, to do pagination with filter and search:

pagination_params = %{limit: 10, offset: 1, order_by: "id", sorting_order: :desc}
filter_params = %{username: ["username1", "username2"]}
search_params = %{text: "search text", fields: [:username]}

|> MaCrud.Query.filter(filter_params)
|> MaCrud.Query.list(pagination_params)
|>, search_params.fields)
|> Repo.all()

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Applies some restrictions to the query.

Searches for the search_term in the given fields.

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filter(initial_query, filters \\ [])

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Filters the query.



MaCrud.Query.filter(MySchema, %{id: 5, name: "John"})
MaCrud.Query.filter(MySchema, %{name: ["John", "Doe"]})
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list(initial_query, opts \\ [])

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Applies some restrictions to the query.

Expects opts to be a keyword list or a map containing some of these fields:

  • limit: defaults to not limiting
  • offset: defaults to 0
  • sorting_order: defaults to :asc (only works if there is also a order_by specified)
  • order_by: defaults to not ordering
  • custom_query: A function that receives the initial query as argument and returns a custom query. Defaults to initial_query



MaCrud.Query.list(MySchema, [limit: 10])
MaCrud.Query.list(MySchema, [limit: 10, offset: 3, sorting_order: :desc, order_by: :value])
MaCrud.Query.list(MySchema, %{order_by: "value"})
MaCrud.Query.list(MySchema, %{order_by: :value})
MaCrud.Query.list(MySchema, %{order_by: ["age", "username"]})
MaCrud.Query.list(MySchema, %{order_by: [:age, :username]})
MaCrud.Query.list(MySchema, %{order_by: [asc: :age, desc: :username]})
MaCrud.Query.list(MySchema, %{order_by: [%{field: "age", order: :asc}, %{field: "username", order: :desc}]})
MaCrud.Query.list(MySchema, custom_query: &MySchema.scope_list/1)
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search(initial_query, search_term, fields)

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Searches for the search_term in the given fields.


Examples, "John", [:name])