magellan_microservice v0.3.0 MagellanMicroservice.Server

This module handles the start-up sequence of the server which uses cowboy and plug.

Link to this section Summary


This funtion tries to read the port, on which the server should run, from the environment variable PORT. As the log indicates the fallback is port 8080

This start_link/0 function is invoked by the MagellanMicroservice.start_link/0. It registers the status function status/0 and starts the server on the port specified by specify_port/0

Ths function gets invoked by MagellanMicroservice.AppStatus.get_status/0 and MagellanMicroservice.AppStatus.get_health/0. It returns the current status of the module

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function specify_port()
specify_port() :: integer

This funtion tries to read the port, on which the server should run, from the environment variable PORT. As the log indicates the fallback is port 8080.

Link to this function start_link()
start_link() :: any

This start_link/0 function is invoked by the MagellanMicroservice.start_link/0. It registers the status function status/0 and starts the server on the port specified by specify_port/0.

Link to this function status()
status() :: %{optional(atom) => atom}

Ths function gets invoked by MagellanMicroservice.AppStatus.get_status/0 and MagellanMicroservice.AppStatus.get_health/0. It returns the current status of the module.