Magic.Token (magic_admin v0.9.0) View Source

Provides methods to interact with the DID Token.

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A map of claims made by the DID Token

A DID Token generated by a Magic user on the client-side.

Decentralized identifier which encapsulates a unique user ID

Cryptographic public address of the Magic User.


Parses public_address and extracts issuer

Decodes a DID Token from a Base64 string into a tuple of its individual components: proof and claim. This method allows you decode the DID Token and inspect the token

Decodes a DID Token from a Base64 string into a tuple of its individual components: proof and claim. This method allows you decode the DID Token and inspect the token

Parses did_token and extracts issuer

Parses did_token and extracts cryptographic public_address

Validates did_token

Validates did_token

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claim() :: %{
  add: String.t(),
  aud: String.t(),
  ext: integer(),
  iat: integer(),
  iss: String.t(),
  nbf: integer(),
  sub: String.t(),
  tid: String.t()

A map of claims made by the DID Token


did_token() :: String.t()

A DID Token generated by a Magic user on the client-side.


issuer() :: String.t()

Decentralized identifier which encapsulates a unique user ID


public_address() :: String.t()

Cryptographic public address of the Magic User.

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construct_issuer_with_public_address(public_address()) :: issuer()

Parses public_address and extracts issuer

Returns issuer info


decode(did_token()) ::
  {:ok, %{proof: String.t(), claim: claim(), message: String.t()}}
  | {:error, {:did_token_error, String.t()}}

Decodes a DID Token from a Base64 string into a tuple of its individual components: proof and claim. This method allows you decode the DID Token and inspect the token

Returns an :ok tuple with a map containing proof, claim and message or an error tuple


decode!(did_token()) :: %{
  proof: String.t(),
  claim: claim(),
  message: String.t()

Decodes a DID Token from a Base64 string into a tuple of its individual components: proof and claim. This method allows you decode the DID Token and inspect the token

Returns A map containing proof, claim and message or raise an error


get_issuer(did_token()) :: issuer()

Parses did_token and extracts issuer

Returns issuer info

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get_public_address(did_token()) :: public_address()

Parses did_token and extracts cryptographic public_address

Returns cryptographic public address of the Magic User who generated the supplied DID Token.


validate(did_token()) :: :ok | {:error, {:did_token_error, String.t()}}

Validates did_token

Returns :ok or an error tuple


validate!(did_token()) :: true

Validates did_token

Returns true or raises an error