Mail.Parsers.RFC2822 (mail v0.2.3) View Source

RFC2822 Parser

Will attempt to parse a valid RFC2822 message back into a %Mail.Message{} data model.

%Mail.Message{body: "Some message", headers: %{to: [""], from: "", subject: "Read this!"}}

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Parses a RFC2822 timestamp to an Erlang timestamp

Retrieves the "name" and "address" parts from an email message recipient (To, CC, etc.). The following is an example of recipient value

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Parses a RFC2822 timestamp to an Erlang timestamp

RFC2822 3.3 - Date and Time Specification

Timezone information is ignored


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parse_recipient_value(value :: String.t()) :: [
  {String.t(), String.t()} | String.t()

Retrieves the "name" and "address" parts from an email message recipient (To, CC, etc.). The following is an example of recipient value:

Full Name <fullname@company.tld>, another@company.tld

In this example, Full Name is the "name" part and fullname@company.tld is the "address" part. another@company.tld does not have a "name" part, only an "address" part.

The return value is a mixed list of tuples and strings, which should be interpreted in the following way:

  • When the element is just a string, it represents the "address" part only
  • When the element is a tuple, the format is {name, address}. Both "name" and "address" are strings