Mail (mail v0.2.3) View Source

Mail primitive for composing messages.

Build a mail message with the Mail struct

mail =
  |> put_subject("How is it going?")
  |> Mail.put_text("Just checking in")
  |> Mail.put_to("")
  |> Mail.put_from("")

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Returns a unique list of all recipients

Build a single-part mail

Build a multi-part mail

Walks the message parts and collects all attachments

Retrieves the recipients from the bcc header

Retrieves the recipients from the cc header

Retrieves the from header

Find the html part of a given mail

Retrieves the reply-to header

Retrieve the subject header

Find the text part of a given mail

Retrieves the list of recipients from the to header

Determines the message has any attachment parts

Determines the message has any text parts

Add an attachment part to the message

Add new recipients to the bcc header

Add new recipients to the cc header

Add a new from header

Add an HTML part to the message

Add a new reply-to header

Add a new subject header

Add a plaintext part to the message

Add new recipients to the to header

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Returns a unique list of all recipients

Will collect all recipients from to, cc, and bcc and returns a unique list of recipients.

Build a single-part mail

Build a multi-part mail

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Walks the message parts and collects all attachments

Each member in the list is {filename, content}

Retrieves the recipients from the bcc header

Retrieves the recipients from the cc header

Retrieves the from header

Find the html part of a given mail

If single part with content-type "text/html", returns itself If single part without content-type "text/html", returns nil If multipart with part having content-type "text/html" will return that part If multipart without part having content-type "text/html" will return nil

Retrieves the reply-to header

Retrieve the subject header

Find the text part of a given mail

If single part with content-type "text/plain", returns itself If single part without content-type "text/plain", returns nil If multipart with part having content-type "text/plain" will return that part If multipart without part having content-type "text/plain" will return nil

Retrieves the list of recipients from the to header

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Determines the message has any attachment parts

Returns a Boolean

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Determines the message has any text parts

Returns a Boolean

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put_attachment(message, path_or_file_tuple, opts \\ [])

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Add an attachment part to the message

Mail.put_attachment(%Mail.Message{}, "")
Mail.put_attachment(%Mail.Message{}, {"", data})

Each call will add a new attachment part.

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put_bcc(message, recipients)

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Add new recipients to the bcc header

Recipients can be added as a single string or a list of strings. The list of recipients will be concated to the previous value.

Mail.put_bcc(%Mail.Message{}, "")
%Mail.Message{headers: %{bcc: [""]}}

Mail.put_bcc(%Mail.Message{}, ["", ""])
%Mail.Message{headers: %{bcc: ["", ""]}}

Mail.put_bcc(%Mail.Message{}, "")
|> Mail.put_bcc(["", ""])
%Mail.Message{headers: %{bcc: ["", "", ""]}}

The value of a recipient must conform to either a string value or a tuple with two elements, otherwise an ArgumentError is raised.

Valid forms:

  • ""
  • "Test User <>"
  • {"Test User", ""}
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put_cc(message, recipients)

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Add new recipients to the cc header

Recipients can be added as a single string or a list of strings. The list of recipients will be concated to the previous value.

Mail.put_cc(%Mail.Message{}, "")
%Mail.Message{headers: %{cc: [""]}}

Mail.put_cc(%Mail.Message{}, ["", ""])
%Mail.Message{headers: %{cc: ["", ""]}}

Mail.put_cc(%Mail.Message{}, "")
|> Mail.put_cc(["", ""])
%Mail.Message{headers: %{cc: ["", "", ""]}}

The value of a recipient must conform to either a string value or a tuple with two elements, otherwise an ArgumentError is raised.

Valid forms:

  • ""
  • "Test User <>"
  • {"Test User", ""}
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put_from(message, sender)

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Add a new from header

Mail.put_from(%Mail.Message{}, "")
%Mail.Message{headers: %{from: ""}}
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put_html(message, body, opts \\ [])

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Add an HTML part to the message

Mail.put_html(%Mail.Message{}, "<span>Some HTML</span>")

If a text part already exists this function will replace that existing part with the new part.


  • :charset - The character encoding standard for content type
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put_reply_to(message, reply_address)

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Add a new reply-to header

Mail.put_reply_to(%Mail.Message{}, "")
%Mail.Message{headers: %{reply_to: ""}}
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put_subject(message, subject)

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Add a new subject header

Mail.put_subject(%Mail.Message{}, "Welcome to DockYard!")
%Mail.Message{headers: %{subject: "Welcome to DockYard!"}}
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put_text(message, body, opts \\ [])

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Add a plaintext part to the message

Shortcut function for adding plain text part

Mail.put_text(%Mail.Message{}, "Some plain text")

If a text part already exists this function will replace that existing part with the new part.


  • :charset - The character encoding standard for content type
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put_to(message, recipients)

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Add new recipients to the to header

Recipients can be added as a single string or a list of strings. The list of recipients will be concated to the previous value.

Mail.put_to(%Mail.Message{}, "")
%Mail.Message{headers: %{to: [""]}}

Mail.put_to(%Mail.Message{}, ["", ""])
%Mail.Message{headers: %{to: ["", ""]}}

Mail.put_to(%Mail.Message{}, "")
|> Mail.put_to(["", ""])
%Mail.Message{headers: %{to: ["", "", ""]}}

The value of a recipient must conform to either a string value or a tuple with two elements, otherwise an ArgumentError is raised.

Valid forms:

  • ""
  • "Test User <>"
  • {"Test User", ""}
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render(message, renderer \\ Mail.Renderers.RFC2822)

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Primary hook for rendering

You can pass in your own custom render module. That module must have render/1 function that accepts a Mail.Message struct.

By default the renderer will be Mail.Renderers.RFC2822