Malomo.Customer (malomo v2.0.0)

Link to this section Summary


Create a customer.

Delete a customer.

Retrieve a customer.

Retrieve a list of events for a customer.

Retrieve a list of customers.

Update a customer.

Link to this section Functions

@spec create(Keyword.t()) :: Malomo.Operation.t()

Create a customer.

@spec delete(String.t()) :: Malomo.Operation.t()

Delete a customer.

@spec get(String.t()) :: Malomo.Operation.t()

Retrieve a customer.

Link to this function

get_events(id, opts \\ [])

@spec get_events(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Malomo.Operation.t()

Retrieve a list of events for a customer.

Link to this function

list(opts \\ [])

@spec list(Keyword.t()) :: Malomo.Operation.t()

Retrieve a list of customers.

Link to this function

update(id, opts)

@spec update(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Malomo.Operation.t()

Update a customer.