Markov.Prompt (markov v4.1.3)

Thin wrapper around Markov to make the chain respond to prompts assuming it's been trained on the appropriate data

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Generates the text from a prompt

Assuming your application receives a stream of strings, call this function instead of Markov.train/3 with the current and last string

Trains the model on a list of consecutive strings

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generate_prompted(model, prompt, query \\ %{})

@spec generate_prompted(
  model :: Markov.model_reference(),
  prompt :: String.t(),
  query :: Markov.tag_query()
) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, term()}

Generates the text from a prompt

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train(model, new_text, last_text \\ nil, tags \\ [])

@spec train(
  model :: Markov.model_reference(),
  new_text :: String.t(),
  last_text :: String.t() | nil,
  tags :: [term()]
) :: {:ok, :done | :deferred} | {:error, term()}

Assuming your application receives a stream of strings, call this function instead of Markov.train/3 with the current and last string

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train_on_list(model, list)

@spec train_on_list(model :: Markov.model_reference(), list :: [String.t()]) :: :ok

Trains the model on a list of consecutive strings