View Source Matcha.Source (Matcha v0.1.10)

Functions that work with the raw Erlang terms representing a match spec.

The "source" of a match specification is what Matcha calls data that fits the Erlang match specification grammar.

Matcha compiles Elixir code into such data, and wraps that data in structs. This module is the bridge between those structs and the Erlang functions that know how to operate on them.

Link to this section Summary


Compiles match spec source into an opaque, more efficient internal representation.

Checks if provided value is a compiled match spec source.

Ensures provided match spec source is compiled.

Runs a match spec source against a list of values.

Validates match spec source of variant type and tries to match it against match_target.

Link to this section Types

@type all_matches() :: :"$$"
@type body() :: [expression()]
@type clause() :: {pattern(), conditions(), body()}
@type compiled() :: :ets.comp_match_spec()
@type condition() :: tuple()
@type conditions() :: [condition()]
@type expression() :: atom() | match_all() | all_matches() | tuple() | term()
@type match_all() :: :"$_"
@type match_result() ::
  {:ok, any(), trace_flags(), [{:error | :warning, charlist()}]}
  | {:error, [{:error | :warning, charlist()}]}
@type match_target() :: tuple() | [tuple()] | term()
@type pattern() :: tuple() | atom()
@type spec() :: [clause()]
@type table_match_result() ::
  {:ok, any(), [], [{:error | :warning, charlist()}]}
  | {:error, [{:error | :warning, charlist()}]}
@type trace_flags() :: list()
@type trace_match_result() ::
  {:ok, boolean() | trace_message(), trace_flags(),
   [{:error | :warning, charlist()}]}
  | {:error, [{:error | :warning, charlist()}]}
@type trace_message() :: charlist()
@type type() :: :table | :trace
@type uncompiled() :: spec()

Link to this section Functions

@spec compile(source :: uncompiled()) :: compiled()

Compiles match spec source into an opaque, more efficient internal representation.

@spec compiled?(any()) :: boolean()

Checks if provided value is a compiled match spec source.

@spec ensure_compiled(source :: uncompiled() | compiled()) :: compiled()

Ensures provided match spec source is compiled.

@spec run(source :: uncompiled() | compiled(), list()) :: list()

Runs a match spec source against a list of values.

Link to this function

test(source, type, match_target)

View Source
@spec test(source :: uncompiled(), type(), match_target()) :: match_result()

Validates match spec source of variant type and tries to match it against match_target.