matrax v0.3.4 Matrax View Source

A matrix library in pure Elixir based on atomics.

Erlang atomics documentation

Key features:

  • concurrent accessibility: atomics are mutable and can be accessed from multiple processes
  • access path only transofrmations: transformations like transpose change only the access path so the same matrix can be worked on in multiple states by different processes at the same time
  • fast accessibility: operations like get/2 and put/3 are very fast and based only on pure Elixir


iex> matrax =, 100) # 100 x 100 matrix
iex> matrax |> Matrax.put({0, 0}, 10) # add 10 to position {0, 0}
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({0, 0})
iex> matrax |> Matrax.add({0, 0}, 80)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({0, 0})

Enumerable protocol

Matrax implements the Enumerable protocol, so all Enum functions can be used:

iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.put({0, 0}, 8)
iex> matrax |> Enum.max()
iex> matrax |> Enum.member?(7)

Link to this section Summary


Adds a list of matrices to matrax.

Adds incr to atomic at position.

Atomic addition and return of the result.

Applies the given fun function to all elements of matrax.

Returns position tuple of biggest value.

Returns position tuple of smallest value.

Clears all changes made to %Matrax{} struct by setting the :changes key to [] and reverting its modifications to :rows & :columns.

Clears last change made to %Matrax{} struct by removing the head of :changes key and reverting its modifications to :rows & :columns.

Only modifies the struct, it doesn't move or mutate data.

Converts given column index of %Matrax{} to list.

Atomically compares the value at position with expected , and if those are equal, sets value at position to desired.

Concatenates a list of %Matrax{} matrices.

Returns a %Matrax{} struct with a new atomics reference and positional values identical to the given matrax.

Returns count of values (rows * columns).

Only modifies the struct, it doesn't move or mutate data.

Drops column of matrix at given column_index.

Drops row of matrix at given row_index.

Atomically replaces value at position with value and returns the value it had before.

Returns position of the first occurence of the given value or nil if nothing was found.

Flip columns of matrix in the left-right direction (vertical axis).

Flip rows of matrix in the up-down direction (horizontal axis).

Returns value at position from the given matrax.

Create identity square matrix of given size.

Returns a position tuple for the given atomics index.

Returns largest integer in matrax.

Checks if value exists within matrax.

Returns smallest integer in matrax.

Converts an integer list_of_lists to a new %Matrax{} struct.

Converts a list_of_lists to a new %Matrax{} struct.

Returns a new %Matrax{} struct with the given rows and columns size.

Returns atomics index corresponding to the position tuple in the given %Matrax{} struct.

Puts value into matrax at position.

Reshapes matrax to the given rows & cols.

Only modifies the struct, it doesn't move or mutate data.

Converts given row index of %Matrax{} to list.

Set column of a matrix at column_index to the values from the given 1-column matrix.

Set row of a matrix at row_index to the values from the given 1-row matrix.

Subtracts a list of matrices from matrax.

Subtracts decr from atomic at position.

Atomic subtraction and return of the result.

Only modifies the struct, it doesn't move or mutate data.

Returns sum of integers in matrax.

Converts %Matrax{} to a flat list.

Converts %Matrax{} to list of lists.

Trace of matrix (sum of all diagonal elements).

Only modifies the struct, it doesn't move or mutate data.

Link to this section Types

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position() :: {row :: non_neg_integer(), col :: non_neg_integer()}
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t() :: %Matrax{
  atomics: reference(),
  changes: list(),
  columns: pos_integer(),
  max: pos_integer(),
  min: integer(),
  rows: pos_integer(),
  signed: boolean()

Link to this section Functions

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add(matrax, list)

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add(t(), [t()] | []) :: :ok

Adds a list of matrices to matrax.

Size (rows, columns) of matrices must match.

Returns :ok.


iex> matrax =, 5)
iex> matrax7 =, 5, seed_fun: fn _ -> 7 end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({0, 0})
iex> matrax |> Matrax.add([matrax7, matrax7])
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({0, 0})
iex> matrax |> Matrax.add([matrax7])
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({0, 0})
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add(matrax, position, incr)

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add(t(), position(), integer()) :: :ok

Adds incr to atomic at position.

Returns :ok.


iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.add({0, 0}, 2)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.add({0, 0}, 2)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({0, 0})
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add_get(matrax, position, incr)

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add_get(t(), position(), integer()) :: integer()

Atomic addition and return of the result.

Adds incr to atomic at position and returns result.


iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.add_get({0, 0}, 2)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.add_get({0, 0}, 2)
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apply(matrax, fun)

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apply(t(), (integer() -> integer()) | (integer(), position() -> integer())) ::

Applies the given fun function to all elements of matrax.

If arity of fun is 1 it receives the integer as single argument. If arity of fun is 2 it receives the integer as first and position tuple as the second argument.


iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.apply(fn int -> int + 2 end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({0, 0})
iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.apply(fn _int, {row, col} -> row * col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({9, 9})
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argmax(t()) :: integer()

Returns position tuple of biggest value.


iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row * col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.argmax()
{4, 4}
iex> matrax =, 5) # all zeros
iex> matrax |> Matrax.argmax()
{0, 0}
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argmin(t()) :: integer()

Returns position tuple of smallest value.


iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row * col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.argmin()
{0, 0}
iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> -(row * col) end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.argmin()
{4, 4}
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clear_changes(t()) :: t()

Clears all changes made to %Matrax{} struct by setting the :changes key to [] and reverting its modifications to :rows & :columns.

Clears access path only modifications like transpose/1 but not modifications to integer values in the :atomics.


iex> matrax = Matrax.identity(3)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
  [1, 0, 0],
  [0, 1, 0],
  [0, 0, 1]
iex> matrax = matrax |> Matrax.diagonal()
iex> matrax |> Matrax.apply(fn _ -> 8 end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
[[8, 8, 8]]
iex> matrax = matrax |> Matrax.column(0)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
iex> matrax = matrax |> Matrax.clear_changes()
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
  [8, 0, 0],
  [0, 8, 0],
  [0, 0, 8]
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clear_last_change(t()) :: t()

Clears last change made to %Matrax{} struct by removing the head of :changes key and reverting its modifications to :rows & :columns.

Clears access path only modifications like transpose/1 but not modifications to integer values in the :atomics.


iex> matrax = Matrax.identity(3)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
  [1, 0, 0],
  [0, 1, 0],
  [0, 0, 1]
iex> matrax = matrax |> Matrax.diagonal()
iex> matrax |> Matrax.apply(fn _ -> 8 end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
[[8, 8, 8]]
iex> matrax = matrax |> Matrax.clear_last_change()
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
  [8, 0, 0],
  [0, 8, 0],
  [0, 0, 8]
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column(matrax, column)

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column(t(), non_neg_integer()) :: t()

Only modifies the struct, it doesn't move or mutate data.

Reduces matrix to only one column at given column index.

After column/2 the access path to positions will be modified during execution.

If you want to get a new :atomics with mofified data use the copy/1 function which applies the :changes.


iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _, {_row, col} -> col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.column(4) |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists
[[4], [4], [4], [4], [4]]
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column_to_list(matrax, col)

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column_to_list(t(), non_neg_integer()) :: [integer()]

Converts given column index of %Matrax{} to list.


iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row * col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.column_to_list(2)
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
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compare_exchange(matrax, position, expected, desired)

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compare_exchange(t(), position(), integer(), integer()) :: :ok | integer()

Atomically compares the value at position with expected , and if those are equal, sets value at position to desired.

Returns :ok if desired was written. Returns the actual value at position if it does not equal to desired.


iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.compare_exchange({0, 0}, 0, -10)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.compare_exchange({0, 0}, 3, 10)
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concat(list, concat_type, options \\ [])

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concat([t(), ...], :rows | :columns, list()) :: t() | no_return()

Concatenates a list of %Matrax{} matrices.

Returns a new %Matrax{} struct with a new atomics reference containing all values of matrices from list.


  • :signed - (boolean) to have signed or unsigned 64bit integers in the new matrix. Defaults to true.


iex> matrax =, 3, seed_fun: fn _, {_row, col} -> col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2]
iex> Matrax.concat([matrax, matrax], :rows) |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2]
iex> Matrax.concat([matrax, matrax], :columns) |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]
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copy(t()) :: t()

Returns a %Matrax{} struct with a new atomics reference and positional values identical to the given matrax.

The returned copy is always changes: [] so this can be used to finish the access-path only changes by the transpose/1, submatrix/3, reshape/3 functions.


iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.put({0, 0}, -9)
iex> matrax2 = Matrax.copy(matrax)
iex> Matrax.get(matrax2, {0, 0})

Returns count of values (rows * columns).


iex> matrax =, 5)
iex> Matrax.count(matrax)
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diagonal(t()) :: t()

Only modifies the struct, it doesn't move or mutate data.

After diagonal/1 the access path to positions will be modified during execution.

If you want to get a new :atomics with mofified data use the copy/1 function which applies the :changes.


iex> matrax = Matrax.identity(5)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.diagonal() |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists
[[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]
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drop_column(matrax, column_index)

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drop_column(t(), non_neg_integer()) :: t()

Drops column of matrix at given column_index.

Only modifies the struct, it doesn't move or mutate data.

After drop_column/2 the access path to positions will be modified during execution.

If you want to get a new :atomics with mofified data use the copy/1 function which applies the :changes.


iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _, {_row, col} -> col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
iex> matrax |> Matrax.drop_column(1) |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 2, 3, 4],
    [0, 2, 3, 4],
    [0, 2, 3, 4],
    [0, 2, 3, 4],
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drop_row(matrax, row_index)

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drop_row(t(), non_neg_integer()) :: t()

Drops row of matrix at given row_index.

Only modifies the struct, it doesn't move or mutate data.

After drop_row/2 the access path to positions will be modified during execution.

If you want to get a new :atomics with mofified data use the copy/1 function which applies the :changes.


iex> matrax =, 4, seed_fun: fn _, {row, _col} -> row end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 0, 0, 0],
    [1, 1, 1, 1],
    [2, 2, 2, 2],
    [3, 3, 3, 3],
    [4, 4, 4, 4],
iex> matrax |> Matrax.drop_row(1) |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 0, 0, 0],
    [2, 2, 2, 2],
    [3, 3, 3, 3],
    [4, 4, 4, 4],
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exchange(matrax, position, value)

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exchange(t(), position(), integer()) :: integer()

Atomically replaces value at position with value and returns the value it had before.


iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> matrax |>{0, 0}, -10)
iex> matrax |>{0, 0}, -15)
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find(matrax, value)

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find(t(), integer()) :: position() | nil

Returns position of the first occurence of the given value or nil if nothing was found.


iex>, 5) |> Matrax.find(0)
{0, 0}
iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row * col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.find(16)
{4, 4}
iex> matrax |> Matrax.find(42)
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flip_lr(t()) :: t()

Flip columns of matrix in the left-right direction (vertical axis).

After flip_lr/1 the access path to positions will be modified during execution.

If you want to get a new :atomics with mofified data use the copy/1 function which applies the :changes.


iex> matrax =, 4, seed_fun: fn _, {_row, col} -> col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 1, 2, 3],
    [0, 1, 2, 3],
    [0, 1, 2, 3]
iex> matrax |> Matrax.flip_lr() |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [3, 2, 1, 0],
    [3, 2, 1, 0],
    [3, 2, 1, 0]
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flip_ud(t()) :: t()

Flip rows of matrix in the up-down direction (horizontal axis).

After flip_ud/1 the access path to positions will be modified during execution.

If you want to get a new :atomics with mofified data use the copy/1 function which applies the :changes.


iex> matrax =, 4, seed_fun: fn _, {row, _col} -> row end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 0, 0, 0],
    [1, 1, 1, 1],
    [2, 2, 2, 2]
iex> matrax |> Matrax.flip_ud() |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [2, 2, 2, 2],
    [1, 1, 1, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 0]
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get(matrax, position)

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get(t(), position()) :: integer()

Returns value at position from the given matrax.


iex> matrax =, 10, seed_fun: fn _ -> 3 end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({0, 5})

Create identity square matrix of given size.


iex> Matrax.identity(5) |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists
    [1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
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index_to_position(matrax, index)

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index_to_position(t(), pos_integer()) :: position()

Returns a position tuple for the given atomics index.

Indices of atomix are 1 based.


iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> Matrax.index_to_position(matrax, 1)
{0, 0}
iex> Matrax.index_to_position(matrax, 10)
{0, 9}

Returns largest integer in matrax.


iex> matrax =, 10, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row * col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.max()
iex>, 5) |> Matrax.max()
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member?(matrax, value)

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member?(t(), integer()) :: boolean()

Checks if value exists within matrax.


iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row * col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.member?(6)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.member?(100)

Returns smallest integer in matrax.


iex> matrax =, 10, seed_fun: fn _ -> 7 end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.min()
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new([list()]) :: t()

Converts an integer list_of_lists to a new %Matrax{} struct.

Same as new/2 without options.


 iex> matrax = %Matrax{rows: 2, columns: 3} =[[1,2,3], [4, 5, 6]])
 iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists
 [[1,2,3], [4, 5, 6]]
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new(list_of_lists, options)

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new([list()], list()) :: t()

Converts a list_of_lists to a new %Matrax{} struct.


  • :signed - (boolean) to have signed or unsigned 64bit integers. Defaults to true.


 iex> matrax = %Matrax{rows: 2, columns: 3} =[[1,2,3], [4, 5, 6]], signed: false)
 iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists
 [[1,2,3], [4, 5, 6]]
 iex> matrax |> Matrax.count
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new(rows, columns, options \\ [])

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new(pos_integer(), pos_integer(), list()) :: t()

Returns a new %Matrax{} struct with the given rows and columns size.


  • :seed_fun - (function) a function to seed all positions. See apply/2 for further information.
  • :signed - (boolean) to have signed or unsigned 64bit integers. Defaults to true.

Examples, 5) # 10 x 5 matrix, 5, signed: false) # unsigned integers, 5, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row * col end) # seed values
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position_to_index(matrax, position)

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position_to_index(t(), position()) :: pos_integer()

Returns atomics index corresponding to the position tuple in the given %Matrax{} struct.


iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.position_to_index({1, 1})
iex> matrax |> Matrax.position_to_index({0, 4})
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put(matrax, position, value)

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put(t(), position(), integer()) :: :ok

Puts value into matrax at position.

Returns :ok


iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.put({1, 3}, 5)
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reshape(matrax, desired_rows, desired_columns)

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reshape(t(), pos_integer(), pos_integer()) :: t()

Reshapes matrax to the given rows & cols.

After reshape/3 the access path to positions will be modified during execution.

If you want to get a new :atomics with mofified data use the copy/1 function which applies the :changes.


iex> matrax =, 3, seed_fun: fn _, {_row, col} -> col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2]
iex> matrax |> Matrax.reshape(2, 6) |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2],
    [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]

Only modifies the struct, it doesn't move or mutate data.

Reduces matrix to only one row at given row index.

After row/2 the access path to positions will be modified during execution.

If you want to get a new :atomics with mofified data use the copy/1 function which applies the :changes.


iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _, {row, _col} -> row end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.row(4) |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists
[[4, 4, 4, 4, 4]]
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row_to_list(matrax, row)

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row_to_list(t(), non_neg_integer()) :: [integer()]

Converts given row index of %Matrax{} to list.


iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row * col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.row_to_list(2)
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
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set_column(matrax, column_index, column_matrax)

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set_column(t(), non_neg_integer(), t()) :: t()

Set column of a matrix at column_index to the values from the given 1-column matrix.


iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _ -> 1 end)
iex> column_matrax =, 1, seed_fun: fn _ -> 3 end)
iex> Matrax.set_column(matrax, 2, column_matrax) |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists
  [1, 1, 3, 1, 1],
  [1, 1, 3, 1, 1],
  [1, 1, 3, 1, 1],
  [1, 1, 3, 1, 1],
  [1, 1, 3, 1, 1],
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set_row(matrax, row_index, row_matrax)

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set_row(t(), non_neg_integer(), t()) :: t()

Set row of a matrix at row_index to the values from the given 1-row matrix.


iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _ -> 1 end)
iex> row_matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _ -> 3 end)
iex> Matrax.set_row(matrax, 2, row_matrax) |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists
  [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
  [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
  [3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
  [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
  [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
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sub(matrax, list)

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sub(t(), [t()] | []) :: :ok

Subtracts a list of matrices from matrax.

Size (rows, columns) of matrices must match.

Returns :ok.


iex> matrax =, 5)
iex> matrax7 =, 5, seed_fun: fn _ -> 7 end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({0, 0})
iex> matrax |> Matrax.sub([matrax7, matrax7])
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({0, 0})
iex> matrax |> Matrax.sub([matrax7])
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({0, 0})
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sub(matrax, position, decr)

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sub(t(), position(), integer()) :: :ok

Subtracts decr from atomic at position.


iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.sub({0, 0}, 1)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.sub({0, 0}, 1)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.get({0, 0})
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sub_get(matrax, position, decr)

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sub_get(t(), position(), integer()) :: integer()

Atomic subtraction and return of the result.

Subtracts decr from atomic at position and returns result.


iex> matrax =, 10)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.sub_get({0, 0}, 2)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.sub_get({0, 0}, 2)
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submatrix(matrax, row_range, col_range)

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submatrix(t(), Range.t(), Range.t()) :: t()

Only modifies the struct, it doesn't move or mutate data.

Ranges are inclusive.

After submatrix/3 the access path to positions will be modified during execution.

If you want to get a new :atomics with mofified data use the copy/1 function which applies the :changes.


iex> matrax =, 4, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row + col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 1, 2, 3],
    [1, 2, 3, 4],
    [2, 3, 4, 5],
    [3, 4, 5, 6],
    [4, 5, 6, 7],
    [5, 6, 7, 8],
    [6, 7, 8, 9]
iex> matrax |> Matrax.submatrix(5..6, 1..3) |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [6, 7, 8],
    [7, 8, 9]

Returns sum of integers in matrax.


iex> matrax =, 10, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row * col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.sum()
iex>, 5, seed_fun: fn _ -> 1 end) |> Matrax.sum()
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to_list(t()) :: [integer()]

Converts %Matrax{} to a flat list.


iex> matrax =, 3, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row * col end)
iex> Matrax.to_list(matrax)
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 4]
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to_list_of_lists(t()) :: [[integer()]]

Converts %Matrax{} to list of lists.


iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row * col end)
iex> Matrax.to_list_of_lists(matrax)
  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
  [0, 2, 4, 6, 8],
  [0, 3, 6, 9, 12],
  [0, 4, 8, 12, 16]

Trace of matrix (sum of all diagonal elements).


iex> matrax =, 5, seed_fun: fn _ -> 1 end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.trace()
Link to this function


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transpose(t()) :: t()

Only modifies the struct, it doesn't move or mutate data.

After transpose/1 the access path to positions will be modified during execution.

If you want to get a new :atomics with mofified data use the copy/1 function which applies the :changes.


iex> matrax =, 4, seed_fun: fn _, {row, col} -> row + col end)
iex> matrax |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 1, 2, 3],
    [1, 2, 3, 4],
    [2, 3, 4, 5],
    [3, 4, 5, 6],
    [4, 5, 6, 7],
    [5, 6, 7, 8],
    [6, 7, 8, 9]
iex> matrax |> Matrax.transpose() |> Matrax.to_list_of_lists()
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
    [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
    [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]