lhttpc_manager (lhttpc v4.3.2)

Connection manager for the HTTP client. This gen_server is responsible for keeping track of persistent connections to HTTP servers. The only interesting API is connection_count/0 and connection_count/1. The gen_server is supposed to be started by a supervisor, which is normally lhttpc_sup.



Returns the total number of active clients maintained by the specified lhttpc pool (manager).
A client has finished one request and returns the socket to the pool, which can be new or not.
Returns the total number of active connections maintained by the specified lhttpc pool (manager).
Returns the number of active connections to the specific Destination maintained by the httpc manager.
Returns the current settings in state for the specified lhttpc pool (manager).
If call contains pool_ensure option, dynamically create the pool with configured parameters. Checks the pool for a socket connected to the destination and returns it if it exists, 'undefined' otherwise.
Lists all the pools already started.
Sets the maximum pool size for the specified pool.
Starts and link to the gen server. This is normally called by a supervisor.
Starts and link to the gen server (with options). This is normally called by a supervisor.
Updates the timeout for persistent connections. This will only affect future sockets handed to the manager. The sockets already managed will keep their timers.


-type state() ::
    #state{destinations :: term(),
           sockets :: term(),
           clients :: term(),
           queues :: term(),
           max_pool_size :: non_neg_integer(),
           timeout :: non_neg_integer()}.


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-spec client_count(lhttpc:pool_id()) -> non_neg_integer().
Returns the total number of active clients maintained by the specified lhttpc pool (manager).
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client_done(Pool, Host, Port, Ssl, Socket)

-spec client_done(pid(), lhttpc:host(), lhttpc:port_num(), boolean(), lhttpc:socket()) -> ok.
A client has finished one request and returns the socket to the pool, which can be new or not.
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code_change(_, State, _)

-spec code_change(any(), state(), any()) -> {ok, state()}.
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-spec connection_count(lhttpc:pool_id()) -> non_neg_integer().
Returns the total number of active connections maintained by the specified lhttpc pool (manager).
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connection_count(PidOrName, _)

-spec connection_count(lhttpc:pool_id(), lhttpc:destination()) -> non_neg_integer().
Returns the number of active connections to the specific Destination maintained by the httpc manager.
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-spec dump_settings(lhttpc:pool_id()) -> list().
Returns the current settings in state for the specified lhttpc pool (manager).
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ensure_call(Pool, Pid, Host, Port, Ssl, Options)

-spec ensure_call(lhttpc:pool_id(),
            lhttpc:options()) ->
               lhttpc:socket() | no_socket.
If call contains pool_ensure option, dynamically create the pool with configured parameters. Checks the pool for a socket connected to the destination and returns it if it exists, 'undefined' otherwise.
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handle_call(_, From, State)

-spec handle_call(any(), any(), state()) -> {reply, any(), state()}.
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handle_cast(_, State)

-spec handle_cast(any(), state()) -> {noreply, state()}.
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handle_info(_, State)

-spec handle_info(any(), state()) -> {noreply, state()}.
-spec init([any()]) -> {ok, state()}.
-spec list_pools() -> term().
Lists all the pools already started.
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set_max_pool_size(PidOrName, Size)

-spec set_max_pool_size(lhttpc:pool_id(), non_neg_integer()) -> ok.
Sets the maximum pool size for the specified pool.
-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, already_started}.
Starts and link to the gen server. This is normally called by a supervisor.
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-spec start_link([{atom(), non_neg_integer()}]) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, already_started}.
Starts and link to the gen server (with options). This is normally called by a supervisor.
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terminate(_, State)

-spec terminate(any(), state()) -> ok.
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update_connection_timeout(PidOrName, Milliseconds)

-spec update_connection_timeout(lhttpc:pool_id(), non_neg_integer()) -> ok.
Updates the timeout for persistent connections. This will only affect future sockets handed to the manager. The sockets already managed will keep their timers.