Module meck

Module mocking library for Erlang.

Copyright © 2010-2017 Adam Lindberg, 2010-2011 Erlang Solutions Ltd

Authors: Adam Lindberg (


Module mocking library for Erlang.

Data Types


args_spec() = [any() | '_' | matcher()] | non_neg_integer()

Argument specification is used to specify argument patterns throughout Meck. In particular it is used in definition of expectation clauses by expect/3, expect/4, and by history digging functions num_called/3, called/3 to specify what arguments of a function call of interest should look like.

An argument specification can be given as a argument pattern list or as a non-negative integer that represents function clause/call arity.

If an argument specification is given as an argument pattern, then every pattern element corresponds to a function argument at the respective position. '_' is a wildcard that matches any value. In fact you can specify atom wildcard '_' at any level in the value structure. (E.g.: {1, [blah, {'_', "bar", 2} | '_'], 3}). It is also possible to use a matcher() created by is/1 in-place of a value pattern.

If an argument specification is given by an arity, then it is equivalent to a pattern based argument specification that consists solely of wildcards, and has the length of arity (e.g.: 3 is equivalent to ['_', '_', '_']).


func_clause_spec() = {args_spec(), ret_spec()}

It is used in expect/3 and expect/4 to define a function clause of complex multi-clause expectations.


history() = [{CallerPid::pid(), meck_mfa(), Result::any()} | {CallerPid::pid(), meck_mfa(), Class::throw | error | exit, Reason::any(), stack_trace()}]

Represents a list of either successful function calls with a returned result or function calls that resulted in an exception with a type, reason and a stack trace. Each tuple begins with the pid of the process that made the call to the function.


abstract datatype: matcher()

Matcher is an entity that is used to check that a particular value meets some criteria. They are used in defining expectation where Erlang patterns are not enough. E.g. to check that a numeric value is within bounds. Instances of matcher can be created by is/1 function from either a predicate function or a hamcrest matcher. (see is/1 for details). An instance of this type may be specified in any or even all positions of an arg_spec().


meck_mfa() = {Mod::atom(), Func::atom(), Args::[any()]}

Module, function and arguments that the mock module got called with.


abstract datatype: ret_spec()

Opaque data structure that specifies a value or a set of values to be returned by a mock stub function defined by either expect/3 and expect/4. Values of ret_spec() are constructed by seq/1, loop/1, val/1, and raise/2 functions. They are used to specify return values in expect/3 and expect/4 functions, and also as a parameter of the stub_all option of new/2 function.

Note that any Erlang term X is a valid ret_spec() equivalent to meck:val(X).


stack_trace() = [{Mod::atom(), Func::atom(), AriOrArgs::byte() | [any()]} | {Mod::atom(), Func::atom(), AriOrArgs::byte() | [any()], Location::[{atom(), any()}]}]

Erlang stack trace.

Function Index

called/3Returns whether Mod:Func has been called with Args.
called/4Returns whether Pid has called Mod:Func with Args.
capture/5Returns the value of an argument as it was passed to a particular function call, It fails with not_found error if a function call of interest has never been made.
capture/6Returns the value of an argument as it was passed to a particular function call made by a particular process.
delete/3Deletes an expectation.
delete/4Deletes an expectation.
exception/2Throws an expected exception inside an expect fun.
exec/1Creates a ret_spec() from a function.
expect/3Add expectation for a function Func to the mocked modules Mod.
expect/4Adds an expectation with the supplied arity and return value.
expects/1Returns the list of expectations.
expects/2Returns the list of expectations.
history/1Return the call history of the mocked module for all processes.
history/2Return the call history of the mocked module for the specified process.
is/1creates a matcher/0 instance from either Predicate or HamcrestMatcher.
loop/1Converts a list of terms into ret_spec() defining a loop of values.
loop/4(Deprecated.) Equivalent to expect(Mod, Func, Ari, loop(Loop)).
new/1Equivalent to new(Mod, []).
new/2Creates new mocked module(s).
num_calls/3Returns the number of times Mod:Func has been called with Args.
num_calls/4Returns the number of times process Pid has called Mod:Func with Args.
passthrough/0Creates a ret_spec() that makes the original module function be called.
passthrough/1Calls the original function (if existing) inside an expectation fun.
raise/2Creates a ret_spec() that defines an exception.
reset/1Erases the call history for a mocked module or a list of mocked modules.
seq/1Converts a list of terms into ret_spec() defining a sequence of values.
sequence/4(Deprecated.) Equivalent to expect(Mod, Func, Ari, seq(Sequence)).
unload/0Unloads all mocked modules from memory.
unload/1Unload a mocked module or a list of mocked modules.
val/1Converts a term into ret_spec() defining an individual value.
validate/1Validate the state of the mock module(s).
wait/4Blocks until either function Mod:Func is called at least once with arguments matching OptArgsSpec, or Timeout has elapsed.
wait/5Blocks until either function Mod:Func is called at least Times with arguments matching OptArgsSpec, or Timeout has elapsed.
wait/6Blocks until either function Mod:Func is called at least Times with arguments matching OptArgsSpec by process OptCallerPid, or Timeout has elapsed.

Function Details


called(Mod, OptFun, OptArgsSpec) -> boolean()

Equivalent to called(Mod, Fun, Args, '_').

Returns whether Mod:Func has been called with Args.


called(Mod, OptFun, OptArgsSpec, OptCallerPid) -> boolean()

Returns whether Pid has called Mod:Func with Args.

This will check the history for the module, Mod, to determine whether process Pid call the function, Fun, with arguments, Args. If so, this function returns true, otherwise false.

Wildcards can be used, at any level in any term, by using the underscore atom: '_'

See also: called/3.


capture(Occur, Mod, Func, OptArgsSpec, ArgNum) -> ArgValue

Equivalent to capture(Occur, Mod, Func, OptArgsSpec, ArgNum, '_').

Returns the value of an argument as it was passed to a particular function call, It fails with not_found error if a function call of interest has never been made.

It retrieves the value of argument at ArgNum position as it was passed to function call Mod:Func with arguments that match OptArgsSpec that occurred Occur'th according to the call history.

Atoms first and last can be used in place of the occurrence number to retrieve the argument value passed when the function was called the first or the last time respectively.


capture(Occur, Mod, Func, OptArgsSpec, ArgNum, OptCallerPid) -> ArgValue

Returns the value of an argument as it was passed to a particular function call made by a particular process. It fails with not_found error if a function call of interest has never been made.

It retrieves the value of argument at ArgNum position as it was passed to function call Mod:Func with arguments that match OptArgsSpec made by process CallerPid that occurred Occur'th according to the call history.

Atoms first and last can be used in place of the occurrence number to retrieve the argument value passed when the function was called the first or the last time respectively.

If an occurrence of a function call irrespective of the calling process needs to be captured then _ might be passed as OptCallerPid, but it is better to use capture/5 instead.


delete(Mods, Func, Ari) -> ok

Deletes an expectation.

Deletes the expectation for the function Func with the matching arity Arity. If the mock has passthrough enabled, this function restores the expectation to the original function. See delete/4.


delete(Mods, Func, Ari, Force) -> ok

Deletes an expectation.

Deletes the expectation for the function Func with the matching arity Arity. Force is a flag to delete the function even if it is passthrough.


exception(Class, Reason) -> no_return()

Throws an expected exception inside an expect fun.

This exception will get thrown without invalidating the mocked module. That is, the code using the mocked module is expected to handle this exception.

Note: this code should only be used inside an expect fun.


exec(Fun::function()) -> ret_spec()

Creates a ret_spec() from a function. Calls to an expect, created with ret_spec() returned by this function, will be forwarded to the specified function.


expect(Mods, Func, Expectation) -> ok

Add expectation for a function Func to the mocked modules Mod.

An expectation is either of the following:
a stub function that is executed whenever the function Func is called. The arity of function() identifies for which particular Func variant an expectation is created for (that is, a function with arity 2 will generate an expectation for Func/2).
a list of arg_spec()/ret_spec() pairs. Whenever the function Func is called the arguments are matched against the arg_spec() in the list. As soon as the first match is found then a value defined by the corresponding ret_spec() is returned.
It affects the validation status of the mocked module(s). If an expectation is called with the wrong number of arguments or invalid arguments the mock module(s) is invalidated. It is also invalidated if an unexpected exception occurs.


expect(Mods, Func, ArgsSpec, RetSpec) -> ok

Equivalent to expect(Mod, Func, [{ArgsSpec, RetSpec}]).

Adds an expectation with the supplied arity and return value.

This creates an expectation that has the only clause {ArgsSpec, RetSpec}.


expects(Mods) -> [{Mod, Func, Ari}]

Returns the list of expectations.

Returns the list of MFAs that were replaced by expectations


expects(Mods, ExcludePassthrough) -> [{Mod, Func, Ari}]

Returns the list of expectations.

Returns the list of MFAs that were replaced by expectations If ExcludePassthrough is on, only expectations that are not direct passthroughs are returned


history(Mod) -> history()

Equivalent to history(Mod, '_').

Return the call history of the mocked module for all processes.


history(Mod, OptCallerPid) -> history()

Return the call history of the mocked module for the specified process.

Returns a list of calls to the mocked module and their results for the specified Pid. Results can be either normal Erlang terms or exceptions that occurred.

See also: called/3, called/4, history/1, num_calls/3, num_calls/4.


is(MatcherImpl) -> matcher()

creates a matcher/0 instance from either Predicate or HamcrestMatcher.


loop(Loop) -> ret_spec()

Converts a list of terms into ret_spec() defining a loop of values. It is intended to be in construction of clause specs for the expect/3 function.

Calls to an expect, created with ret_spec() returned by this function, will return one element at a time from the Loop list and will restart at the first element when the end is reached.


loop(Mods, Func, Ari, Loop) -> ok

Equivalent to expect(Mod, Func, Ari, loop(Loop)).

This function is deprecated: Please use expect/3 or expect/4 along with ret_spec() generated by loop/1.


new(Mods) -> ok

Equivalent to new(Mod, []).


new(Mods, Options) -> ok

Creates new mocked module(s).

This replaces the current version (if any) of the modules in Mod with an empty module.

Since this library is intended to use from test code, this function links a process for each mock to the calling process.

The valid options are:
Retains the original functions, if not mocked by meck. If used along with stub_all then stub_all is ignored.
Does not link the meck process to the caller process (needed for using meck in rpc calls).
Unstick the module to be mocked (e.g. needed for using meck with kernel and stdlib modules).
If cover is enabled on the module to be mocked then meck will continue to capture coverage on passthrough calls. This option allows you to disable that feature if it causes problems.
{spawn_opt, list()}
Specify Erlang process spawn options. Typically used to specify non-default, garbage collection options.
Do not store history of meck calls.
A mock created with this option will allow setting expectations on functions that does not exist in the mocked module. With this option on it is even possible to mock non existing modules.
Stubs all functions exported from the mocked module. The stubs will return whatever defined by ret_spec() regardless of arguments passed in. It is possible to specify this option as just stub_all then stubs will return atom ok. If used along with passthrough then stub_all is ignored.
The expectations for the function/arity signature are merged with existing ones instead of replacing all of them each time an expectation is added. Expectations are added to the end of the function clause list, meaning that pattern matching will be performed in the order the expectations were added.
Possible exceptions:
error:{undefined_module, Mod}
The module to be mocked does not exist. This error exists to prevent mocking of misspelled module names. To bypass this and create a new mocked module anyway, use the option non_strict.
error:{module_is_sticky, Mod}
The module to be mocked resides in a sticky directory. To unstick the module and mock it anyway, use the option unstick.
error:{abstract_code_not_found, Mod}
The option passthrough was used but the original module has no abstract code which can be called. Make sure the module is compiled with the compiler option debug_info.


num_calls(Mod, OptFun, OptArgsSpec) -> non_neg_integer()

Equivalent to num_calls(Mod, Fun, Args, '_').

Returns the number of times Mod:Func has been called with Args.


num_calls(Mod, OptFun, OptArgsSpec, OptCallerPid) -> non_neg_integer()

Returns the number of times process Pid has called Mod:Func with Args.

This will check the history for the module, Mod, to determine how many times process Pid has called the function, Fun, with arguments, Args and returns the result.

See also: num_calls/3.


passthrough() -> ret_spec()

Creates a ret_spec() that makes the original module function be called.

Calls to an expect, created with ret_spec() returned by this function, will be forwarded to the original function.


passthrough(Args) -> Result

Calls the original function (if existing) inside an expectation fun.

Note: this code should only be used inside an expect fun.


raise(Class, Reason) -> ret_spec()

Creates a ret_spec() that defines an exception.

Calls to an expect, created with ret_spec() returned by this function, will raise the specified exception.


reset(Mods) -> ok

Erases the call history for a mocked module or a list of mocked modules.

This function will erase all calls made heretofore from the history of the specified modules. It is intended to prevent cluttering of test results with calls to mocked modules made during the test setup phase.


seq(Sequence) -> ret_spec()

Converts a list of terms into ret_spec() defining a sequence of values. It is intended to be in construction of clause specs for the expect/3 function.

Calls to an expect, created with ret_spec returned by this function, will exhaust the Sequence list of return values in order until the last value is reached. That value is then returned for all subsequent calls.


sequence(Mods, Func, Ari, Sequence) -> ok

Equivalent to expect(Mod, Func, Ari, seq(Sequence)).

This function is deprecated: Please use expect/3 or expect/4 along with ret_spec() generated by seq/1.


unload() -> Unloaded

Unloads all mocked modules from memory.

The function returns the list of mocked modules that were unloaded in the process.


unload(Mods) -> ok

Unload a mocked module or a list of mocked modules.

This will purge and delete the module(s) from the Erlang virtual machine. If the mocked module(s) replaced an existing module, this module will still be in the Erlang load path and can be loaded manually or when called.


val(Value) -> ret_spec()

Converts a term into ret_spec() defining an individual value. It is intended to be in construction of clause specs for the expect/3 function.


validate(Mods) -> boolean()

Validate the state of the mock module(s).

The function returns true if the mocked module(s) has been used according to its expectations. It returns false if a call has failed in some way. Reasons for failure are wrong number of arguments or non-existing function (undef), wrong arguments (function clause) or unexpected exceptions.

Validation can detect:

Validation cannot detect:

The reason Meck cannot detect these cases is because of how it is implemented. Meck replaces the module with a mock and a process that maintains the mock. Everything Meck get goes through that mock module. Meck does not insert itself at the caller level (i.e. in your module or in your test case), so it cannot know that you failed to call a module.

Use the history/1 or history/2 function to analyze errors.


wait(Mod, OptFunc, OptArgsSpec, Timeout) -> ok

Equivalent to wait(1, Mod, OptFunc, OptArgsSpec, '_', Timeout).

Blocks until either function Mod:Func is called at least once with arguments matching OptArgsSpec, or Timeout has elapsed. In the latter case the call fails with error:timeout.

The number of calls is counted starting from the most resent call to reset/1 on the mock or from the mock creation, whichever occurred latter. If a matching call has already occurred, then the function returns ok immediately.


wait(Times, Mod, OptFunc, OptArgsSpec, Timeout) -> ok

Equivalent to wait(Times, Mod, OptFunc, OptArgsSpec, '_', Timeout).

Blocks until either function Mod:Func is called at least Times with arguments matching OptArgsSpec, or Timeout has elapsed. In the latter case the call fails with error:timeout.

The number of calls is counted starting from the most resent call to reset/1 on the mock or from the mock creation, whichever occurred latter. If Times number of matching calls has already occurred, then the function returns ok immediately.


wait(Times, Mod, OptFunc, OptArgsSpec, OptCallerPid, Timeout) -> ok

Blocks until either function Mod:Func is called at least Times with arguments matching OptArgsSpec by process OptCallerPid, or Timeout has elapsed. In the latter case the call fails with error:timeout.

The number of calls is counted starting from the most resent call to reset/1 on the mock or from the mock creation, whichever occurred latter. If Times number of matching call has already occurred, then the function returns ok immediately.

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