Meilisearch.Search (meilisearch v0.20.0) View Source

Collection of functions used to search for documents matching given query.

MeiliSearch Documentation - Search

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Search for documents matching a specific query in the given index.

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search(uid, search_query, opts \\ [])

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Search for documents matching a specific query in the given index.

A search_query value of nil will send a placeholder query.


  • offset Number of documents to skip. Defaults to 0
  • limit Maximum number of documents returned. Defaults to 20


iex>"meilisearch_test", "where art thou")
  "exhaustiveNbHits" => false,
  "hits" => [
      "id" => 2,
      "tagline" => "They have a plan but not a clue",
      "title" => "O' Brother Where Art Thou"
  "limit" => 20,
  "nbHits" => 1,
  "offset" => 0,
  "processingTimeMs" => 17,
  "query" => "where art thou"

iex>"meilisearch_test", "nothing will match")
  "exhaustiveNbHits" => false,
  "hits" => [],
  "limit" => 20,
  "nbHits" => 0,
  "offset" => 0,
  "processingTimeMs" => 27,
  "query" => "nothing will match"