View Source Membrane.ComponentPath (Membrane Core v0.10.2)

Traces element's path inside a pipeline. Path is a list consisted of following pipeline/bin/element names down the assembled pipeline. Information is being stored in a process dictionary and can be set/appended to.

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Appends given name to the current path.

Returns formatted string of given path's names joined with separator.

Returns currently stored path.

Works the same as format/2 but uses currently stored path

Sets current path.

Convenient combination of set/1 and append/1.

Link to this section Types

@type path_t() :: [String.t()]

Link to this section Functions

@spec append(String.t()) :: :ok

Appends given name to the current path.

If path has not been previously set then creates new one with given name.

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format(path, separator \\ "/")

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@spec format(path_t(), String.t()) :: String.t()

Returns formatted string of given path's names joined with separator.

@spec get() :: [String.t()]

Returns currently stored path.

If path has not been set, empty list is returned.

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get_formatted(separator \\ "/")

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@spec get_formatted(String.t()) :: String.t()

Works the same as format/2 but uses currently stored path

@spec set(path_t()) :: :ok

Sets current path.

If path had already existed then replaces it.

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set_and_append(path, name)

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@spec set_and_append(path_t(), String.t()) :: :ok

Convenient combination of set/1 and append/1.