View Source Membrane.ResourceGuard (Membrane Core v1.1.1)
Utility for handling resources that must be cleaned up after use.
This utility uses a separate process that allows registering functions
that are called when the owner process (passed to start_link/1
) dies for
any reason. Each Membrane component spawns its resource guard on startup
and provides it via callback context.
def handle_setup(ctx, state) do
resource = MyResource.create()
Membrane.ResourceGuard.register(ctx.resource_guard, fn ->
{:ok, %{state | my_resource: resource}}
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
Executes all cleanup functions registered in the resource gurard.
Executes cleanup functions registered with the specifc tag.
Registers a resource cleanup function in the resource guard.
Unregisters a resource cleanup function from the resource guard.
@type t() :: pid()
Utility for handling resources that must be cleaned up after use
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
See Supervisor
@spec cleanup(t()) :: :ok
Executes all cleanup functions registered in the resource gurard.
Executes cleanup functions registered with the specifc tag.
If many cleanup functions are registered with the same tag, all of them are executed.
@spec register( t(), (-> any()), opts :: [tag: any(), timeout: milliseconds :: non_neg_integer()] ) :: tag when tag: any()
Registers a resource cleanup function in the resource guard.
Registered functions are called in the order reverse to the registration order.
Function returns a tag of the registered cleanup function. Tag can be passed
under a :tag
key in opts
. Many functions can be registered with the same tag.
If there is no :tag
key in opts
, tag will be result of make_ref()
Unregisters a resource cleanup function from the resource guard.
All cleanup functions with tag tag
are deleted.