View Source Membrane.H264 (Membrane H264 Format v0.4.0)

This module provides format definition for H264 video stream

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Describes whether and how buffers are aligned.

Number of frames per second. To avoid using floating point numbers, it is described by 2 integers number of frames per timeframe in seconds.

Height of single frame in pixels.

When alignment is set to :au, determines whether buffers have NALu info attached in metadata.

Profiles defining constraints for encoders and requirements from decoders decoding such stream


Format definition for H264 video stream.

Width of single frame in pixels.

Link to this section Types

@type alignment_t() :: :au | :nalu

Describes whether and how buffers are aligned.

:au means each buffer contains one Access Unit - all the NAL units required to decode a single frame of video

:nalu aligned stream ensures that no NAL unit is split between buffers, but it is possible that NALUs required for one frame are in different buffers

@type framerate_t() :: {frames :: pos_integer(), seconds :: pos_integer()}

Number of frames per second. To avoid using floating point numbers, it is described by 2 integers number of frames per timeframe in seconds.

For example, NTSC's framerate of ~29.97 fps is represented by {30_000, 1001}

@type height_t() :: pos_integer()

Height of single frame in pixels.

Allowed values may be restricted by used encoding parameters, for example, when using 4:2:0 chroma subsampling dimensions must be divisible by 2.

@type nalu_in_metadata_t() :: boolean()

When alignment is set to :au, determines whether buffers have NALu info attached in metadata.

If true, each buffer contains the NAL units list under metadata.h264.nalus. The list consists of maps with the following entries:

  • prefixed_poslen: {pos, len} - position and length of the NALu within the payload
  • unprefixed_poslen: {pos, len} - as above, but omits Annex B prefix
  • metadata: metadata - metadata that would be merged into the buffer metadata if alignment was :nal.
@type profile_t() ::
  | :baseline
  | :main
  | :high
  | :high_10
  | :high_422
  | :high_444
  | :high_10_intra
  | :high_422_intra
  | :high_444_intra

Profiles defining constraints for encoders and requirements from decoders decoding such stream

@type t() :: %Membrane.H264{
  alignment: alignment_t(),
  framerate: framerate_t(),
  height: height_t(),
  nalu_in_metadata?: nalu_in_metadata_t(),
  profile: profile_t(),
  width: width_t()

Format definition for H264 video stream.

Regardless of the alignment value, NAL units are always in the Annex B format.

In Annex B (defined in ITU-T H.264 Recommendation]( each NAL unit is preceded by three or four-byte start code (0x(00)000001) that helps to identify boundaries. Annex B is suitable for writing to a file or streaming with MPEG-TS.

@type width_t() :: pos_integer()

Width of single frame in pixels.

Allowed values may be restricted by used encoding parameters, for example, when using 4:2:0 chroma subsampling dimensions must be divisible by 2.