View Source Membrane.H264.NALuTypes (Membrane H.264 and H.265 plugin v0.10.2)
The module aggregating the mapping of from nal_unit_type
fields of the NAL unit to the human-friendly name of a NALu type.
A type representing all the possible human-friendly names of NAL unit types.
The function which returns the human friendly name of a NALu type
for a given nal_unit_type
@type nalu_type() ::
| :non_idr
| :part_a
| :part_b
| :part_c
| :idr
| :sei
| :sps
| :pps
| :aud
| :end_of_seq
| :end_of_stream
| :filler_data
| :sps_extension
| :prefix_nal_unit
| :subset_sps
| :reserved
| :auxiliary_non_part
| :extension
A type representing all the possible human-friendly names of NAL unit types.
@type vcl_nalu_type() :: :idr | :non_idr | :part_a | :part_b | :part_c
@spec get_type(non_neg_integer()) :: nalu_type() | nil
The function which returns the human friendly name of a NALu type
for a given nal_unit_type
The mapping is based on: "Table 7-1 – NAL unit type codes, syntax element categories, and NAL unit type classes" of the "ITU-T Rec. H.264 (01/2012)"