View Source Membrane.LiveCompositor.Request.UpdateVideoOutput (Membrane LiveCompositor Plugin v0.9.0)

Request to update the scene definition that describes what should be rendered on a specified output.



  • :output_id - Id of the output that should be updated.
  • :root - Root of a component tree/scene that should be rendered for the output. Learn more
  • :schedule_time - Schedule this update at a specific time. Time is measured from compositor start. If not defined, update will be applied immediately.


@type t() :: %Membrane.LiveCompositor.Request.UpdateVideoOutput{
  output_id: Membrane.LiveCompositor.output_id(),
  root: any(),
  schedule_time: Membrane.Time | nil
  • :output_id - Id of the output that should be updated.
  • :root - Root of a component tree/scene that should be rendered for the output. Learn more
  • :schedule_time - Schedule this update at a specific time. Time is measured from compositor start. If not defined, update will be applied immediately.