Memcachir (memcachir v3.3.1) View Source

Module with a friendly API for memcached servers.

It provides connection pooling, and cluster support.


{:ok} = Memcachir.set("hello", "world")
{:ok, "world"} = Memcachir.get("hello")

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Removes the item with the specified key.

Accepts a memcache operation closure, a grouped map of %{node => args} and executes the operations in parallel for all given nodes.

Removes all the items from the server.

Gets the value associated with the key. Returns {:error, "Key not found"} if the given key doesn't exist.

increments the key by value.

List all currently registered node names, like [:"localhost:11211"].

Accepts a list of mcached keys, and returns either {:ok, %{key => val}} for each found key or {:error, any}.

Accepts a list of {key, val} pairs and returns the store results for each node touched.

Multi-set with cas option.

Sets the key to value.

Callback implementation for Application.start/2.

Link to this section Functions

Removes the item with the specified key.

Returns {:ok, :deleted}.

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exec_parallel(fun, grouped, args \\ [], merge_fun \\ &Map.merge/2)

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Accepts a memcache operation closure, a grouped map of %{node => args} and executes the operations in parallel for all given nodes.

The result is of form {:ok, enumerable} where enumerable is the merged result of all operations.

Additionally, you can pass args to supply memcache ops to each of the executions and merge_fun (a 2-arity func) which configures how the result is merged into the final result set.

For instance, mget/2 returns a map of key, val pairs in its result, and utilizes Map.merge/2.

Removes all the items from the server.

Returns {:ok}.

Gets the value associated with the key. Returns {:error, "Key not found"} if the given key doesn't exist.

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incr(key, value \\ 1, opts \\ [])

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increments the key by value.

List all currently registered node names, like [:"localhost:11211"].

Accepts a list of mcached keys, and returns either {:ok, %{key => val}} for each found key or {:error, any}.

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mset(commands, opts \\ [])

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Accepts a list of {key, val} pairs and returns the store results for each node touched.

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mset_cas(commands, opts \\ [])

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Multi-set with cas option.

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set(key, value, opts \\ [])

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Sets the key to value.

Valid option are:

  • :ttl - The time in seconds that the value will be stored.

Callback implementation for Application.start/2.