View Source Memorex.Notes (Memorex v0.2.4)

Functions for interacting with Memorex.Domain.Notess.

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Used to purge notes which are "orphaned" when reading in the Markdown file; that is, they have either been deleted from the Markdown file, or else their content has been edited (which causes their UUID to change).

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@spec clear_parse_flags() :: {non_neg_integer(), nil | [term()]}
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@spec delete_notes_without_flag_set() :: {non_neg_integer(), nil | [term()]}

Used to purge notes which are "orphaned" when reading in the Markdown file; that is, they have either been deleted from the Markdown file, or else their content has been edited (which causes their UUID to change).

@spec set_parse_flag(Memorex.Domain.Note.t()) :: Ecto.Schema.t()