
You're seeing just the function fetch_in, go back to MessageStore.MapExtra module for more information.


fetch_in(map(), [Map.key()]) :: {:ok, Map.value()} | :error

Fetches the value for a specific path in the given map.

If map contains the given path then its value is returned in the shape of {:ok, value}. If map doesn't contain path, :error is returned.


iex> a = %{a: 1, b: %{c: 2}}
iex> MapExtra.fetch_in(a, [:a])
{:ok, 1}

iex> a = %{a: 1, b: %{c: 2}}
iex> MapExtra.fetch_in(a, [:b, :c])
{:ok, 2}

iex> a = %{a: 1, b: %{c: 2}}
iex> MapExtra.fetch_in(a, [:b, :d])